ETHICS COMMISSION MEETING, NOV. 10TH, Wed. at 4:30pm to discuss Ethics Bill: 2010-616 (City Hall; Mayor’s Large Conference Room – 4th Floor)
The City Council Finance Committee has requested that members of the former Charter Revision Commission and the Ethics Commission meet and discuss the Ethics/Charter bill 2010-616. The Ethics Commission passed a resolution that CRC members and City Council Members be invited to attend a specific Ethics Commission meeting for the sole purpose of discussing the Ethics bill. The meeting is set up for Nov. 10th at 4:30 and is for this purpose only.
Below is a sequence of events on the bill. If you need anything, please let me (or Jeff Clements) know; we stand ready to assist you. I know the Ethics Commission looks forward to your input so that a meaningful Ethics Charter amendment can be passed by City Council.
Carla Miller, Ethics Officer
City of Jacksonville, (904) 630-1476
CHRONOLOGY (Ethics in Charter Bill)
Jan. 2009. Ethics Commission votes to make the study of Charter/Ethics a priority of the Commission for the year.
2009-Feb. to Sept. 2010. Ethics Commission studies best practices nationwide on Ethics Commissions; including a several hour meeting with the Executive Directors of several major Ethics Commissions.
2009-2010 CRC meets; has testimony about ethics at meetings dated: Sept. 24, 2009 (Ethics Commission Vice-Chair and Ethics Officer); Jan. 28, 2010 (State Ethics Commission Director).
Feb. 26, 2010; CRC files final report with a recommendation on Ethics.
Feb.-March, 2010, Ethics Commission continues to study issue; has interns from Coastal Law School research ethics commissions across the U.S. (summer of 2010)
July 27, 2010; Council Member Johnson files bill 2010-616; incorporating CRC recommendations and the word “independent” in front of “Ethics Commission”.
August 10, 2010. Council President Webb appoints a Special Committee on Charter Revision Commission; Council Member Art Shad, Chair. (members: Clay Yarborough, Warren Jones, Bill Bishop and Stephen Joost.)
Sept. 1, 2010, Ethics Commission passes resolution on Ethics Charter bill based on cumulative 2 year research, Sept. 1, 2010
Sept. 18, 2010, Ethics Officer sends email to CRC Chair Duggan on upcoming meeting of Council Member Shad’s committee as this committee was meeting on the Ethics/Charter bill:
From: Carla Miller Sent: Saturday, September 18, 2010 4:31 PM To: Cc: Ethics
Subject: ETHICS IN THE CHARTER: Council Meeting, Monday Sept. 20 5pm Council Chambers
Dear Wyman,
The council subcommittee on the CRC recommendations will be meeting this coming Monday to discuss the Ethics issue. I know the Ethics Commission would appreciate your support and would be pleased if you attended. After the CRC report, the Commission met for several months and also submitted a resolution to the Council on some of their recommendations. I have attached that for your review. Carla Miller Ethics Officer, COJ
Sept. 20, 2010, the Council’s subcommittee met and considered the CRC recommendations, Council Member Johnson’s ethics bill, and the recommendations of the Ethics Commission. (CRC Chair Wyman Duggan attended. ) A motion passed unanimously (which incorporated the Ethics Commission and CRC recommendations) and this was sent to Rules to be added to Council Member G. Johnson’s existing bill on ethics. A substitute bill on 2010-616, drafted by General Counsel’s office, was filed incorporating these changes.
Sept. 22; The Ethics Officer sent the text of the approved changes to Jeff Clements to send to the CRC members by email; subsequently, there were circulated email comments from some of the CRC members on the bill
Oct. 4, 2010.The Rules Committee of Council considered the substitute bill of 2010-616 and passed it unanimously. This was forwarded to the full Council for a vote on Oct. 12.
Oct. 12. City Council President Webb referred the bill back to Rules and to Finance.
Oct. 18th. Rules Committee passed the bill again unanimously, with no changes. (CRC members made public comments)
Oct. 19th. Finance Committee passes the amendment to the bill (attached) but does not take final action on the bill. (CRC members present.) Finance Committee Chair requests that the CRC and the Ethics Commission get together to discuss the bill.
Nov. 1. Ethics Commission meets and passes a resolution in OPPOSITION to the Finance Committee’s amendment and asks for a deferral on final action on the bill until a meeting can be held to discuss it.
Nov. 2. Finance defers discussion on 2010-616 (ethics bill) for another 2 weeks.
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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