Damned be the States: Long Live Centralized Government

From my blog at http://theatleeappeal.com/

This is basically the bottom line from the ruling out of Arizona. A federal judge, who came into power not by the votes of the people she now rules, but by the appointment of former President Clinton, has ruled Arizona is not allowed to defend itself. Susan Bolton ruled in favor of the hysterical liberal class over common sense. There is nothing controversial about this bill. Nothing. It is nothing more than the state of Arizona enforcing the federal immigration law that our federal government refuses to enforce. Our country was founded on states rights and not central government. That is why we are a Republic and not a Democracy.

Just last year, the federal government estimated that Arizona had the highest increase of illegal immigration this past decade. Now, knowing that statistic, and you are Arizona's governor, what do you do? The politicians in Washington in that same time frame have refused to do anything to uphold immigration laws in attempt not to upset the Hispanic vote. Your capital city is ravaged by kidnappings. Drug gangs are becoming increasingly violent and numerous. Countless numbers of illegal immigrants have killed citizens through drunk driving incidents. Then, you have a rancher who was murdered by an illegal immigrant. But according to Washington, you are not allowed to handle your problems. I'm surprised that Gov. Brewer hasn't broken someone's nose at this point. But because this woman has more brawn than all of the weak-kneed liberals and some Republicans in Washington, she has vowed to keep fighting for the sanctity of her state.

So what did the ruling say? First off, it's pretty bad that the ruling of this law is longer than the law itself. Part of the ruling claims that: "Even though Arizona's interests may be consistent with those of the federal government, it is not in the public interest for Arizona to enforce preempted laws." Ok, these are 2 outright lies. First, the federal government has no interest in enforcing immigration laws. It has turned a blind eye to enforcement. If the federal government's interests were consistent with Arizona's, they would be prosecuting sanctuary cities who refuse to cooperate with federal laws. Lie number 2: "It is not in the public interest to enforce preempted laws." This is insanity. Poll after poll shows that over 70% of Arizona supports this bill along with well over 60% of the rest of Americans. The public interest is telling Washington very bluntly: "We support Arizona and we do not support you!".

Now an even more outrageous statement comes the Justice Department. Yes, the same Justice Department that refused to prosecute the beyond-obvious voter intimidation case by the Black Panthers. Hannah August from the Justice Department with these words of wisdom:

"While we understand the frustration of Arizonans with the broken immigration system, a patchwork of state and local policies would seriously disrupt federal immigration enforcement and would ultimately be counterproductive."

How do people this stupid get in power? Honestly. First she claims that Arizona is frustrated with the "broken immigration system." Gee, ya think? Yet, by enforcing the laws Washington refuses to enforce would end up being "seriously disruptive" and "counterproductive"? What in the hell! Governor Brewer is taking the necessary steps to fix what this woman admits to being a "broken system" and that is being counterproductive? 5-year-olds don't make comments this outrageous. And again, not a single mention from this liberal whacko about sanctuary cities disrupting federal immigration enforcement by refusing to cooperate with immigration enforcement. For those of you who have any common sense, does this not make your head want to explode?

To really understand why liberals lack common sense on this issue, take a look at this quote from a man interviewed by the LA Times. He was asked about his view on the situation: "Who is kidding who?" Arden said. "This state was built by illegal immigrants." Simply unbelievable. And sadly, a lot of liberals think this way: Illegal aliens have every right to live here as everyone else. How asinine can you be? The law is crystal clear: If you are in this country illegally, you are breaking the law and will be arrested then deported. It's that simple. But this is all Obama's plan to unite the country. First, he calls on certain segments of society (young people, women, Hispanics, and Blacks) to rally their support for the Democrats like they did for him in 2008. Yeah, that's uniting. Instead of calling on non-hyphenated Americans to support his cause it must be certain groups of people. Now he dismisses the will of the American people in exchange for appeasing Mexico and the 16 Million new voters, err, illegal aliens.

So now that Arizona has been told they are not allowed to ID anyone, what now? What happens when people go to vote? What happens when somebody gets pulled over? What happens in the event of a crime or a wreck? What happens when someone applies for a job? What happens when someone applies for government help that the taxpayers pay for? Apparently, if you're not a federal official you are no longer allowed to ask for someone's ID for fear of running across an illegal immigrant without ID. This is the America that Obama has always wanted and is now getting. Is this the America you still want? Tell Obama this coming November that you are fed up with this liberal insanity by voting Conservatives in office.

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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