The Tea Party Movement has been shining a light on the dirty parts of our political process since September 2008.  


If you live in dirt, you will probably be living with roaches.  Roaches are a strange pest and usually do not come out into the light.  They like to roam around in the darkness and the minute you turn the light on, they scatter. 


This week a light was turned on and roaches are scattering in Washington.  Here’s what happened:

  1.  Glenn Beck reported about a planned economic terrorist attack on our country this week.  No other network is reporting this information.  It is real and it is sedition.  His staff obtained a tape of a Senior Union Executive in a meeting with others as they planned the take down of the American economy and banking institutions.  In other words, they are planning to take down Capitalism – the economy of America.  Please review this information for yourself at
  2. This is not the first time this has happened.  The Tea Party Movement uncovered another video in the beginning of our movement.  We asked questions and the silence was deafening.  Just as it is this week with the new discovery.  Remember the bailouts?   Remember that was the catalyst for the Tea Party Movement?  Here are the facts as told on a CSPAN interview with Rep. Paul Kanjorski.  He has a big mouth and probably did not realize the information he was sharing but we did and we have used it over and over again to educate our members.  He said, “On or about Sept. 15, 2008 on a Thursday about 11:00 in the morning, the Federal Reserve noticed a tremendous drawdown to the money markets.  To the tune of $550 Billion.  The Treasury opened up the window to help.  They could not stem the tide.  There was an electronic run on the banks.  If they had not stepped in by 2:00 that afternoon $5.5 Trillion would have collapsed the economy of the US and the world economy would have collapsed.  It would have been the end of our economic and political system as we knew it.  If you don’t have a banking system you don’t have an economy.” 

Hear the entire interview on Youtube at:  He begins this reveal at about 2:00 on the counter.   


Yesterday Utah Congressman, Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) has called for an investigation into the economic terrorism/treason by Stephen Lerner and his co-conspirators.  He sent a letter to Attorney General, Eric Holder, demanding to know what the Justice Department plans to do about this act of treason.


Here is the letter:

March 23, 2011
The Honorable Eric H. Holder, Jr.
Attorney General
U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001

Dear Attorney General Holder:

Recent media reports suggest that the former director of the Service Employees International Union’s (“SEIU”) banking and finance campaign has threatened to seriously endanger the welfare of the United States. In a forum at Pace University earlier this month, Stephen Lerner, the former SEIU official, revealed a “secret plan” to “cause a new financial crisis . . . destroy J.P. Morgan . . . and weaken Wall Street’s grip on power” by using “civil disobedience” to create “the conditions necessary for a redistribution of wealth and a change in government.”[1]

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”) defines terrorism as “the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives.”[2] The escalation of Mr. Lerner’s threats would clearly constitute domestic terrorism and pose substantial harm to the American people and the economy. I am therefore requesting that you investigate Mr. Lerner’s terrorist plans and notify me how the Department of Justice plans to respond to these threats.

The Committee on Oversight and Government Reform is the principal oversight committee of the House of Representatives and may at “any time” investigate “any matter” as set forth in House Rule X. An attachment to this letter provides additional information about responding to the Committee’s request.

If you have any questions regarding this request, please do not hesitate to contact [redacted]. Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Jason Chaffetz

cc: The Honorable Darrell Issa, Chairman
cc: The Honorable Elijah E. Cummings, Ranking Minority Member



QUESTIONS:   Do you see any parallel between #1 and #2 above?  Or are we just conspiracy, right wing extremists?  Whatever you want to call us – the facts are there and MUST BE ADDRESSED and today is your day to pull out the flashlight, expose the roaches and put out the roach motels and watch them scatter. 



  1.  Contact your Representatives and tell them to contact Jason Chaffetz to see what more can be done by Congress to protect us against this planned terrorist attack.  You can find your Congressman at   
  2. Contact Darrell Issa, and Elijah E. Cummings (see above and they can be found at  Tell them you have seen the information and you want a full investigation and protection from this terrorist attack.
  3. Contact every news outlet from the local stations to the networks.  You can find the information at FAIR (Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting) -   Ask them why they are not reporting this information and send a copy of this email to them if they need additional information.
  4. Spread the message.  Send this email to all your friends, family members, peers, church members, etc.  Knowledge is power. 
  5. Pray for the safety of our country.  We are not only being attacked by forces outside our country but the worst attacks are coming from within.  The roaches are living among us in the crevices of the darkness.  Our job is to root them out, shine a light on them and send them permanently to the roach motels – JAIL!

God Save the USA, please.


Views: 41


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Comment by Christy on March 25, 2011 at 5:15pm

Rick did u hear that a Florida Judge will recognize Islamic Law?  Ahhh and they say Islamic will not be heard in USofA, why silly we have a Consitution, not.  O has shredded it along w/his henchmen and women.

Comment by Christy on March 25, 2011 at 5:06pm
JL quote "Tell me it ain't so Joe".  Guess who said that, a hint it would make Chris Mathews head turn 360o and he would spew more green than usual and use even more filthrwords than Mayer about her.
Comment by Christy on March 25, 2011 at 5:02pm
what a glaring GB show, most outstanding, "If the Fed had any gold they would show it."  The Fed sold what was left but can not remember what country it was, needless to say it wasn't us taxpayers.  Utah will now accept gold or paper money.
Comment by JL Gawlik on March 25, 2011 at 3:20pm
Michelle Bachmann pushed for Constitutional classes and making sure the new freshmen in the Congress were not, i can not recalled the term but it is where the older representatives in Congress, tell them who to listen to and who take dinners and gifts offered because that is the way business is done in Washington, D.C.. Congressman Jason Chaffetz said he was almost overwhelmed by it all, and that supports what Marco Rubio told the FCTP going out the door, it is a lot worst than he dream or thought  possible and thanks for being here and keep up the hard work! Our country is only as strong as it's people. That is the key, WE THE PEOPLE.
Comment by Shavager on March 25, 2011 at 1:50pm
Hate to be a purveyor of bad news folks but China, Russia, Amsterdam, Iran, Kuwait, Taj Mahal in India and HSBC in Mexico no longer use U.S. dollars as currency. IMF has already talked about a new world currency. If IMF and World Bank, international banks DROP the dollar as the world's reserve currency our system of finance and economy will COLLAPSE. Our money will have NO VALUE--it'll be as useless as confederate dollars after Civil War! DEBT IS CRUSHING AMERICA, SEIU unions and Soros WANT de-valued dollar and collapse to usher in new FED CONTROL over U.S..   Stephen Lerner is committing SEDITION AND TREASON against America and advocating our collapse.  As of today, Republicans are running the House with one arm tied behind them, Senate is still DemocRAT controlled--can stop all spending cuts, budget proposals, bills offered by Republicans. Until voters can overturn Democorrupt party control of Senate and vote the "muslim messiah" out of WHouse, REAL SPENDING CUTS AND DEBT CONTROL can't be accomplished except by compromise between the parties--such as the continuing resolutions being passed to continue govt. operations. DemocRATS are out to redistribute the wealth and bring U.S. down to third world levels, they despise any contention that the U.S. should be leaders of the world and exceptional.  There are those on blogsites now condemning Boehner for not being tough, some want govt. shutdown-- it will cause damage to U.S. credit rating and increase interest rates on U.S. debt--it will accelerate already dangerous debt levels of debt. Be careful what you wish for, SEIU unions, Trumpka, socialists, Soros all want the collapse of our system--their opportunity for Obumbler to usher in TOTAL FEDERAL CONTROL OVER AMERICA.  Constant barrage for buying gold from financial advisory corporations indicates a fear that dollar collapses, will be valueless as an asset--we could see dramatic price increases, food shortages, violence in cities if it happens.  Coalition of conservatives, Tea Party members, independents, blue dog conservative democrats (if any are left) are needed to overturn the RAT majority in Senate and vote "CHANGE" in the WHouse.
Comment by JL Gawlik on March 25, 2011 at 10:03am

Great point Christy.

That is interesting Roma. I heard that on the news also about N.A.T.O. taking control this coming Monday, apparently they have not hammered out all the details.


I just sent two emails to Boehner, about the Constitution, the budget and getting our country back on track and communicating with the people.


There is a lot to be done, yet. Especially coming up in 2012.


Thanks for the link. Here are several links to youtube with our illustrious Vice President Joe Biden calls for a impeachment of any President who bypasses Congress to go to war:



Comment by Joe Story on March 25, 2011 at 10:02am

Developing the financial centers of Islam has been a major project over the last two decades. It is starting to show success in the centers of Dubai, Qatar and Saudi Arabia itself.  For centuries Dubai has been a trading hub now trading has begun on the Dubai International Exchange, although trading on the local market, the Dubai Financial Market   where trading takes place in the local currency is booming to a greater degree. Both markets are controlled by the emir.

When will the OIC establish and Islamic currency or does it already exist? What are the implications for the West as the Middle East’s rapidly developing financial markets recycle a bigger and bigger share of oil wealth into Islamic controlled markets? When will it be possible for them to convert to a gold standard?

Comment by Christy on March 25, 2011 at 9:58am
JL, thank u for your post.
Comment by Christy on March 25, 2011 at 9:31am
All Rep's r home, call for an appointment with them!
Comment by JL Gawlik on March 25, 2011 at 8:57am

Christy, i have had a feeling since 2007 that we are all be nudge to do things, i personally trust my bank because it is a credit union owned by all who bank at the bank. I  do not trust big banks for obvious reasons, WHY should you pay a bank fees to use your own money? I think our banking system and economy is being manipulated and i think the powers that be are trying to nudge everyone into a panic.


Just look at all the ads on gold, etc., and look how the value of that has greatly risen. What are you going to do with money if it all collapses or gold for that matter? We would probably to to a bartering system and more people would be involved with gathering and hunting for food, which i really feel sorry for the many who do not know how to. Being prepared is the best thing to do and thank goodness we have been taught that in Florida for decades because of our hurricanes, unless you are like the poor souls in Louisiana who trusted their government to provide for them, that is a very dangerous mindset. The best tools we have are self reliance, resourcefulness, respect and the ability to think on our own.

National Debt Clock


The First CoastTea Party is a non-profit organization. We have no deep-pocketed special interest funding our efforts.

You may contact us at:

First Coast Tea Party
1205 Salt Creek Island Dr
Ponte Vedra, FL 32082

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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