Go to Liberty Central at ; and learn about S 3772, The "Paycheck Fairness Act". It is another BAD federal government bill that would kill small business. The House has already passed this bill!! Please, please write email, call and FAX your Senators NOW and tell them to oppose this bill. It is up for vote Wednesday, 17 November.
Go to the National Right to Work Committee site at ; and learn about S 3194, the "Police and Firefighter Monopoly Bargaining Bill". This bill forces police and firefighters into union representation. Forced unionization is part of what has driven California and other states into bankruptcy. The House has already passed this bill!! Please, please write, email, call and Fax your Senators NOW and tell them to oppose this bill. By the way, while there, look at what is happening in the U.S. House on the repealing of state Right to Work laws.
Please do not delay. Your Senators need to feel your input. The Unions are calling them to tell them to support these bills. You need to make a difference.
Florida Senators:
Senator Bill Nelson, 202 224 5274, FAX: 202 228 2183
Senator George LeMieux, 2020 224 3041, FAX: 202 228 5171
Good Luck!