By Randy McDaniels – September 9th, 2011
I have read many articles over the past days leading up to the 10th anniversary of 9/11. Some regarding the controversy over Mayor Bloomberg’s decision to not include First Responders and Clergy in the memorial ceremony, his appeal to no longer refer to the twin towers site as Ground Zero, as some presume it may offend his numerous Muslim business associates, and the myriad of other planned events throughout the nation in regard to this hallowed day.
With few exceptions, the theme and message are amazingly similar. Some of the headlines read as follows:
“9/11 Anniversary Cast Shadow for Muslims” - Muslims dread the approaching anniversary because they fear a resurgence of prejudice and hate…..African American Muslims had been in the country since the slave days. Egyptian author Mona Eltahawy in Reuters September 8, 2011
“Being Muslim on 9/11 anniversary: Life is not Better” – interviewee Samia Moslimay, said of the 9/11 attack “I was praying please don’t be a Muslim, please be a natural disaster”…. “local Muslims became victims of paranoid rage. Strangers doused worshipers’ cars with gas, ripped off Hijabs, and spit on Sikhs”. SeattePI, September 8, 2011
“Anti-Muslim Groups Plan Events for 10th Anniversary of 9/11” – anti-Muslim Hysteria has increased dramatically over the past two years. Southern Poverty Law Center “Hate Watch”
Despite the rhetoric, just moments on the internet revealed literally hundreds of mainstream media articles featuring interviews of Muslims like the few above, details of churches, synagogues and other organizations reaching out to the Islamic community, as well as those hosting Muslim speakers…even on 9/11.
While many of these groups seem eager to condemn the rampant bigotry, hate and “Islamophobia” in America, as well as a call for healing, the sheer volume of outreach stands in direct and stark contradiction to these very same claims.
Department of Justice FBI statistics grossly contradict these claims as well, revealing it is not Muslims, but another religious minority that is 700% more likely to be a victim of hate. If a rampant “Phobia” exists in America, it is Judeo-phobia, not…. Islamophobia. The inconvenient fact is hate crimes against Muslims and Christians are almost equivalent, ranging between 4-9%, and very insignificant in comparison to Jews, which ranges between a whopping 66-72% each year since the attack on 9/11 according FBI statistics.
It is difficult to drive across America today and not see the influence of Islamic culture in our cities, or visit a college without Islamic professors and guest speakers, Muslim Student Associations (MSA), open a public school history book which does not praise Islam, one such textbook actually teaches 9/11 was America’s fault, or hardly a city without a Mosques dotting the landscape. Muslims also appear to enjoy a great deal of political influence, as well as a proportionately high number of positions in local, state and federal government versus the Muslim demographic.
While the Pentagon burned, the Towers fell, and the passengers onboard “United 93”, answered to call to action “let’s roll” uttered by Todd Beamer, becoming forever immortalized as the first heroic combatants killed that day. America was told it was by “Islamic Extremist” who had “Hijacked” Islam.
It is a fact a few misguided American “Extremist” lashed out in the days following this tragic and unprecedented attack by Islamist. However, America was not “Hijacked” and the actions of those few individuals were not in accordance with the spirit of over 200 years of American exceptional-ism, virtue, and fighting for those persecuted, to include a bloody civil war to end slavery. American’s were many things in the days that followed 9/11….above all patriotic, united, and consciously cautious not offend followers of Islam, as demonstrated in speeches by numerous American leaders.
With no intention of offending individual Muslim American’s, can the same be said about Islam? With 14 centuries of Islamic warfare to establish the religion in accordance with Quranic scripture and Islamic Sharia Law… can the same be said about Islam? With more than 17,000 Islamic terrorist attacks since 9/11, can the same be said about Islam? Considering the fact the Islamic phrase “Allahu Akbar” (God is Great) was chanted prior to every Islamic terror attack on non-Muslims to establish the religion……. Can the same be said about Islam?
Despite all of these facts, Muslim influence in the fabric of American society has increased exponentially in the past decade. It takes very little critical thinking to determine “Anti-Muslim Hysteria” does not exist in America…only “Anti-Muslim HYPE!!!”
“Anti-Muslim Hype” - “deceptive or distorted information this is systematically spread by organizations or governments to promote a policy, idea, or cause”, aka Propaganda as it is defined seems to parallel most of what America is being sold via most information mediums.
If this is true, what organizations and/or governments are behind this propaganda and what are their goals?
For starters, I would suggest Americans clear their heads, put politics and personal views aside to allow honest and objective review of the evidence, to arrive at the most logical conclusion.
America has an enemy who has clear and stated goals. He often conducts his work by masquerading as civil rights or other civic groups using terms like, social justice, equality, hatemonger, and Islamophobia, to gain sympathy for their cause or victim status, in order to further undermine America openly.
David Beamer’s, address below in regard to former CAIR/HAMAS Chairman Parvez Ahmed speaking at an interfaith gathering in Florida’s Capitol on the 10th anniversary of 9/11 is a prime example. If you’re wondering, yes, the theme and message is amazingly similar.
Fortunately, previously secret documents, which clearly state the enemy’s goals and how they will achieve victory, have been made public. Documents like the “Strategic Goals for the Group in North America”, The Phases of the World Underground Movement, or “The Project”, should be read by every law enforcement officer, military member, civic leader, and citizen to enable them to protect themselves, their family, their community, and their country. These captured enemy documents spell out in great detail over the long term how the enemy will sabotage and destroy America from within.
These documents also list the most prominent Islamic groups in America, who are working in the mainstream and with our government no less in fulfilling the objectives of the Muslim Brotherhood to achieve these goals. They are supported by the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) and its (57) fifty seven Islamic member states, to include Saudi Arabia.
A visit to the (OIC) website will reveal their CAIRO declaration of Human Rights, which sounds similar to the U.N. Declaration with one important distinction…they are subordinate to Sharia law, which effectively removes any equality between gender, Muslim and non-Muslim, and homosexual to name a few, and condones genocide of non-Muslims as we see happening across the African continent and elsewhere. In addition, the OIC “10 Year Plan” of making any speech critical of Islam and the prophet Muhammad a crime, is finally coming to fruition via U.N. resolution 16/18 which is support by Hillary Clinton and Obama will purportedly sign.
I respectfully ask each patriotic American to take time to investigate this fully, refuse to repeat (OIC) and Muslim Brotherhood talking points and refrain from using terms like “Islamophobia” developed by the OIC as part of their 10 year plan to subdue the West.
I ask this in order that we…. honor those killed, those who died fighting, and those who are still fighting for our great nation. I close with David Beamer’s statement addressing the fact a known CAIR/HAMAS Leader will be the featured speaker regarding 9/11 in Fl... sponsored by Brant Copeland of First Presbyterian Church and will be hosted by Temple Israel.
Sept 5, 2011
The objective of Islam is for the world to submit, for the flag of Islam to fly over the White House … yes, the one on Pennsylvania Ave. Tactics of terror and infiltration are being employed to achieve this end.
One infiltration tactic is interfaith outreach. Ignorance and denial of this on the part of the “people of the book” (Christians and Jews) demonstrates that America is weaker now than 10 years ago. Make no mistake, the interfaith bridge is one-way. The secular media is being used as “useful idiots” to aid and abet the enemy’s cause. In addition, when people of the book are so easily duped, dancing in the strategic offices of organizations like CAIR repeats as it did on September 11, 2001.
CAIR in reality stands for “Constantly Advancing the Islamic Regime.” Mr. Parvez Ahmed, former CEO of CAIR, is doubtless a devout Muslim and soldier in the army of Islam. Inviting Mr. Ahmed to a Christian church to hear a gospel message would be a grand idea. Inviting such an enemy of our Constitution to speak demonstrates ignorance and denial of the Islamic threat. Devout Muslims cannot recognize our Constitution as an alternative to Sharia. Temporarily it is ok to coexist, hide behind the shield of political correctness, deceive and persist until the goal is achieved … the Flag of Islam to replace the Stars and Stripes.
Indeed, many, Americans can be and should be in church on Sunday, especially this particular one. The reasons should be to worship, pray and be thankful for the blessings we share in these United States under our rule of law. An enemy of state should not be afforded a platform and given precious time to deceive as an alternative to worship.
The citizens of Tallahassee can surely find a place to worship other than First Presbyterian on this very special Sunday and perhaps on every Sunday. Given the stance taken by the leadership, I would encourage the membership to do likewise.
David L. Beamer
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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