To all our lady friends with the First Coast Tea Party: Gloria Allred will stand with another woman today who is accusing Cain of sexual harassment.
I am taking comments as to 1) do you believe this will hurt him; 2) do you believe the accusations and 3) what do you think about Gloria Allred jumping into this?
Would love to hear your comments. I'll give you mine after I hear from you. Here's the scoop: ttp://
For our gentlemen friends: Feel free to jump in and comment too if you so desire.
oops...meant boggles the indication of how a lot of people feel right now.
Patty...what chance do you give Cain...we have supported him and also Gingrich...buggles the mind.
Nothing against Newt, except that he took $300,000 from Freddie Mac to lobby Republicans in congress in 2006 to not support a plan to limit their lending practices. He was a lobbyist in an effort that evetnually led to our shared demise. Harwood asked this question and Newt Tells us that they paid him to be a historian. Please. Google "Gingrich Freddie Mac". Plenty of info on this subject out there.
Be straight Newt.
Mr. Cain has bigger problems than women, his answers during the debate on foreign issues displayed little knowledge of our country's foreign realtionships. All the pity.
If the American people allow good men to be trashed then we all know where we are headed. I sit in amazement at the comments....such as........I don't believe Cain did these things...but I won't vote for him....just in case. If the women in Iowa won't vote for Cain because the dems are very good at destroying good men......what does that make them. Whether they vote for him or not..why don't they stand up for a decent person. Disgusting doesn't begin to describe what we have been listening to...
JL, I agree with pretty much everything you have said. I think Cain has been hurt by this since his poll numbers are now dropping and women in Iowa a moving away from him. I think, in the end, the truth about this will come out and Cain will be vindicated but at what cost? They counted on Meg Whitman losing the race and then, they didn't care if the truth came out (and it did and most of what Allred put together was a piece of fiction). I suspect the same holds true here, because Obama does not want Cain as the republican candidate. Like Newt, Cain could put Obama under the table and make the argument for fixing all the failed programs. Obama doesn't want and can't have this presidential race about the issues, because he will lose the each and every argument. The democrats have ot make it about smearing the other guy and making Obama look more wholesome when he is just as bad or worse than anyone on the republican side with his drug and gay sex experimentation.
Ultimately Cain wasnt my 1st choice, but i think this witch hunt against him has hurt him. i believe Gingrich will be next because he's rising quickly. its a political war for the soul of the nation. the left believes in no holds barred. very sad!
I find the trashing of any candidate sickening. Bringing the truth and facts to the surface is one thing, but trashing is a completely different animal and it involves power and money.
Mr. Perry is like me and blanks out at crucial moment when in public, i have done that, with important names. He is very astute and detailed one on one, i absolutely love his campaign ads.
Mr. Cain, my 'gut feelings' tell me that he is a very honorable and honest man, his track record is there for all to see, he is a open book. Interesting that all of these so called accusations happened in a association that he work for only 3 years out of a 42 year career in the business sector, how odd, even odder are all the Democratic ties to this, even odder, the accusations were unfounded at the Association and the woman that receive the severance pay went on to sue other companies and government departments she worked for with the same high profile DC lawyer. How she ever got a job with the government shows that our government is very dysfunctional to hire a employee with such a troubled history of complaints and suing employers. Perhaps she knew someone within the system high up. How odd... even odder is that her attorney, Joel Bennett has spent over two weeks with interviews on radio and tv... the question i have, Mr. Bennett, who is paying you for your time? He is not doing this out of the goodness of his heart. He makes at least $800.00 an hour, attorneys charge for every 15 minutes.
Sharon Bialek, her whole background and history speaks for itself, she is clearly a opportunist like Kraushaar, even people who have worked with her and know her stated, if anything she sexually assaulted Mr. Cain.
Ann Coulter has a very interesting column on this woman, by connected the dots. Even her attorney Gloria Allred has a history of attacking Conservative candidates. Allred has always been about Allred, she is a self promotor first. Who is bankrolling her or making monetary promises?
My 'intuition' tells me that these charges are all false. IF you go look at President Obama's political history, David Axelrod was always behind his campaigns and he always found 'secrets' to use against Obama's challengers for office, many have had to dropped out because of the allegations, one was accusations with a opposing candidate was with his own ex-wife, the mother of his children. Dirty business there.
I will stand with the many Mr. Cain supporters and many who know him personally, one of my favorite people Alveda King, who personally knows him, she highly speaks of him and support him.
Mr. Cain clearly is President Obama's worst NiGHTMARe, he is honorable, honest, very hard working, a self made man, the American Dream. He actually came from very humble beginnings, unlike Obama who claimed to have been raised by a single mother but in truth was adopted by a wealthy step father and from then on was in prestigious private schools, even when 10 years old he came back to Hawaii to live with his grandparents, he attended the elite prestigious Punahou School, a private college preparatory school. The complete opposite of Mr. Cain's upbringing. Mr. Cain was raised by parents who both worked hard for their American Dream and descended from American African Slaves on both sides, he is clearly more black that Obama, more American background also. He is the American Dream, he is a rocket scientist, a ordain minister... he is Obama's worst NiGHTMARe, period.
I stand with Mr. Cain and Governor Perry because unlike our sitting President, and people serving in Congress and the Obama administration, these men are very honorable and have both have served our country, one as a civil servant in the US Navy as a mathematician and a ballistic missile specialist, the other as a pilot and Captain in the US Air Force. These two men have put our country first unlike the false accusers, the press/media and who is backing and bankrolling
haha More brilliance from the "smartest" man in the room
"We're the country that built the Intercontinental Railroad." —Cincinnati, OH, Sept. 22, 2011"
"The reforms we seek would bring greater competition, choice, savings and inefficiencies to our health care system." --in remarks after a health care roundtable with physicians, nurses and health care providers, Washington, D.C., July 20, 2009
"No, no. I have been practicing...I bowled a 129. It's like -- it was like Special Olympics, or something." --making an off-hand joke during an appearance on "The Tonight Show", March 19, 2009
"In case you missed it, this week, there was a tragedy in Kansas. Ten thousand people died -- an entire town destroyed." --on a Kansas tornado that killed 12 people
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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