ALERT (U//FOUO) Terrorists’ Interest in Attacking Theaters and Similar Mass Gatherings -

I couldn't seem to scroll down on the actual FBI document although I have seen it and this is a copy of it posted on another web site.  Now, we have to decide if it is valid and could be construed as to be associated with what happened in Colorado?  What say you?  Had the theatre had this information, perhaps they might have secured the doors into the theatre so they could not be opened or left ajar and perhaps they might have had more police presence (as they now do here in Jacksonville.........I counted 5 police cars outside a theatre we went by last night).  And here is a video about the same:


Page 1 IA-0136-12 UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLYUNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY ROLL CALL RELEASE I n C o l l a b o r a t i o n w i t h t h e I T A C G (U) Prepared by the Office of Intelligence and Analysis (I&A), Cyber, Infrastructure, and Science Division. Coordinated with the I&A Homeland Counterterrorism Division, the Federal Bureauof Investigation, and the Interagency Threat Assessment and Coordination Group. Shared with the DHS Office of Infrastructure Protection. (U) Warning: This document is UNCLASSIFIED//FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (U//FOUO). It contains information that may be exempt from public release under the Freedom of InformationAct (5 U.S.C. 552). It is to be controlled, stored, handled, transmitted, distributed, and disposed of in accordance with DHS policy relating to FOUO information and is not to be released to thepublic, the media, or other personnel who do not have a valid need to know without prior approval of an authorized DHS official. State and local homeland security officials may share thisdocument with authorized critical infrastructure and key resource personnel and private sector security officials without further approval from DHS. 17 May 2012 (U//FOUO) Terrorists’ Interest in Attacking Theaters and SimilarMass Gatherings (U//FOUO) An early April 2012 suicide bombing of a theater in Somalia and a violentextremist communication advocating attacks on US theaters highlight terrorists’continued interest in attacking such venues. Although we have no specific or credibleinformation indicating that terrorists plan to attack theaters in the United States, terroristsmay seek to emulate overseas attacks on theaters here in the United States becausethey have the potential to inflict mass casualties and cause local economic damage.— (U//FOUO) On 4 April 2012, an al-Shabaab femalesuicide bomber detonated explosives at the NationalTheater in Mogadishu, Somalia during a speech bythe Somali Prime Minister attended by multiplecabinet members. The bomber blended in with theaudience until her attack, which targeted the VIPs inattendance.— (U//FOUO) On 7 April 2012, an al-Qa‘ida-linked violent extremist urged others toemulate the 2002 Moscow theater hostage attack—in which Chechen terroristsseized the Dubrovka Theater and held over 800 people captive for three daysuntil Russian security forces gassed the theater—by seizing crowded facilities inthe United States, including movie theaters; taking hostages; and demanding therelease of captured al-Qa‘ida-linked or -inspired violent extremists.(U//FOUO) These recent instances demonstrate that mass gatherings such as thoseassociated with theaters likely remain attractive terrorist targets. We encourage facilityowners and operators, security personnel, and first responders to remain vigilant andreport suspicious activities and behaviors that may indicate a potential attack. (U) Somali National Theater UNCLASSIFIED (U//FOUO) Potential Suspicious Activity Indicators— (U//FOUO) Persons in crowded areas wearing clothing that is unusually bulky or atypical forthe season, possibly to conceal suicide explosives or weapons.— (U//FOUO) Persons asking about theater security screening and evacuation procedures.— (U//FOUO) Packages—possibly containing explosives—left unattended in open areas orhidden in trash receptacles, lockers, or similar containers.— (U//FOUO) Suspicious or illegally parked vehicles near a theater or where crowds gather priorto or following performances and events.

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Comment by Lizzie on July 23, 2012 at 2:31pm

Again, Patricia you missed the point.  Reports of interviews.  Reports.  Theory.. Maybes.. Thoughts.. 

The police and investigators have barely scratched the surface.    Shooter only went to court today, but all the 'experts' have issued their statements.  That is my point.  Do you believe everything the media tells us?????  I bet you ranted over Brian Ross and his opinion.. it can be a two way street.. that's all I'm saying..

Your opinon is yours to have, but please present it as such, not as fact...     

Comment by Patricia M. McBride on July 23, 2012 at 1:36pm

Thanks John. Our own representatives have subverted the constitution!

Comment by Patricia M. McBride on July 23, 2012 at 1:35pm

Lizzie, these were not the next door neighbor type interviews nor were they the drive by liberal media. The people in question were long term relationships including fellow students at the school who knew and worked with this fellow, family members (and a given they would think he was a nice guy), but some of the folks they mentioned were long term relationships and close enough they would have known what the man's personality was like. And making me wrong doesn't make you any more right if that is where you are going. I don't really care if you like what I said anymore than it matters to me if your opinion differs. The difference is I am not trying to rip you apart for your opinion!

Comment by Lizzie on July 23, 2012 at 11:30am

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and that is the point, it is opinion.  Speculation is not fact.  From what you say, information is available in testimony from the shooter as to his financial status and level of interest, how well he thought he was doing, and data is validated from fellow students?   I am reminded of the numerous times a neighbor has been 'interviewed' by the local media after a crime and the statement heard is something such as "oh, he/she was always nice to me, or seemed like a nice guy, or always walked the dog.."    The "reports" are the media entertaining the mass.   At this time, what anyone "knows" is what the media has provided or someone has found on the Internet.  Opinion, speculations and oh, I guess maybe some circular reasoning ... omg

Comment by Patricia M. McBride on July 23, 2012 at 8:59am

Why bother commenting at all if you think you are the only person entitled to an opinion. After reading the articles I did, where fellow students and friends were interviewed, I wondered. And no, people who are doing really well do not drop out of the doctoral program unless they are out of money (he wasn't) or again doing poorly (he wasn't) or have lost interest (he didn't seem to have) or ???? And no, I am not a liberal social worker nor do I sound like one or a conspiracy thinker. What I am is someone who has circular reasoning on the level of someone in the first year of a doctoral program (I was tested in a class for a study being done, and I was the only student in the class that actually had circular reasoning ability well beyond the college level I was in.........most people don't recognize it nor do they like people who do it). I try to look at pretty much everything from all perspectives, and right now, I am looking at gun control looming on the horizen via the UN and an administration that needs a crisis to push it.

Comment by Lizzie on July 23, 2012 at 7:43am

... "he might have been"..."many people'.."We don't know"..."No one...quits".."Everyone who".. "No one Who knew".. "another article"...   Patricia, all speculation.  He might have, might not.. Many? How many, who, where?   We don't know?  right, you don't.  No one quits?.. People drop out of PhD programs..  Everyone one who knew him?  Who?  Names?  

This post could be written by a liberal social worker.. or a conspiracy thinker.. why bother when you don't have the facts -  

Comment by Patricia M. McBride on July 22, 2012 at 4:49pm

He was involved in a study. He might have been a part of the study (as many people who run such things are). We don't know, but at the level he was, it is very intense. Yes, discoveries have been made, and I am most certainly not discrediting anyone who takes this course of study, but he quit...........why? No one who does as well as he was doing up and quits a doctorate program without very good reason. Everyone who knew him said he was shy, a very nice young man, always tried to keep things light and made people laugh. No one who knew him can believe he actually did this. Another article said no one intent on killing the first person through the door of his apartment tells them it is going to happen and warns them about it. And then, there is the treaty and how convenient all this will be to those who wish to turn our country over to the UN including our military. Too convenient for me.

Comment by Lizzie on July 22, 2012 at 2:54pm

Amanda, I agree with you, this was one very destructive human being, and neuroscience is not quackery - it is a very intense program and the scientists have made outstanding discoveries and treatments over the years... Stroke management, brain tumors, cancer treatments.. so many have been helped and saved through the neuro developments I think it is a terrible shame anyone wants to discredit the science and those who pursue knowledge due to the actions of one man, one sick, sick man... (sorry, this tragedy makes me so very sad)..

Comment by amanda choate on July 22, 2012 at 1:47pm
This was not al Queda. This was a young man who is depraved. Neuroscience is the study of the nervous system. Not quackery.
Comment by Patricia M. McBride on July 22, 2012 at 11:15am

I feel this is just too close to this horrid treaty Obama and Clinton want not to allow myself to consider them helping create another crisis.  It is what they shine at and manipulation is there calling card.  They gave guns to Mexican drug lords that were used to kill American citizens and still haven't come clean on it.  You may believe it is beyond their capabilities, but I do not.  I think they would do anything they had to for the sake of their agenda and lying about anything is also part of that package.  My first thought when I heard about this was it was just too much of a coincidence and it still is.

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

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You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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