For those who may not be aware, redistricting is on the agenda for a committee up in Tallahassee right now, and action may be required. Most of the gerrymandered districts have been kept in place, and many districts are being nudged into the democratic columns including the one held by Allen West. In fact the whole redistricting totally ignors the voters request for compact districts and is a nightmare, AND Allen West is one of the representatives who will be impacted and might lose his seat. I am very upset about this, and I think you should be as well. Allen West is a conservative and a hero. He fought hard to capture his seat, and I don't know about you, but I love Allen West's candor and total honesty nix political correctness. The RINOs in Tallahassee may not have done this on purpose, but I wouldn't bet the farm on it. Action is required, if you agree we are having it stuck to us all the way around, and I hope you do.
Here is the link to the Florida senate page for can check progress, see the maps etc (sadly, it may already be to late to stop it in committee):
This is an Email I recieved from Kevin Jackson, who writes conservative commentary, about Allen West with a link to fax!
Unhyphenated America Kevin Jackson, Founder 123 Main Street, Suite 1000 Anywhere, Missouri 12345 January 22, 2012 |
Gov. Rick Scott is great and is fighting the liberal media as well as the entrenched GOP that are still mad that Rick beat the establishment GOP choice McCollum. I believe they are purposely trying to work against Rick to drive his favorables down. The FL GOP establishment sits on their hands instead of helping and publicly supporting the Governor. They do not support really Republican principles like limited government, less regulation and lower taxes, they support their power. They are plotting to beat him in the next election. It is very obvious.
Governor Scott is a jewel, and you are right, we have many state representatives who would sell us down the river without so much as a backwards glance. They are doing so on this issue, so I guess the question is, how many of them are really democrats (liberal progressives) running under the cover of the "R" designation to get elected? I don't want to paint them all with the same brush, but some certainly bamboozed us, didn't they?
Amanda, there was all sorts of info at the link I posted, and although I have not looked at the maps, those who have said there is very little difference between what is being proposed and what we had. So, yes, they have not followed the referendum for fair and compact districts. Corrine still has her nightmare district, and all the other dems that had gerrymandered districts still have them. The only thing they used the amendments for was to get rid of people apparently. The few changes that were made pretty much all favored democrats. As Kevin said, Allen West won by 8% and this time they are adding 10% more democrats to his district. From where I am sitting that is an attempt to force him out of the house at a time when we need to keep control of the house and get the senate as well or maybe they think they can get a rino in there instead of a real American hero who is for America and a conservative who says it like it is.
The FL GOP that agree to this are cowards pure and simple. Create compact districts including Corinne's and fight it all the way to the Supreme Court. The Dems lost the elections and Tallahassee so they drum up these stupid amendments that get passed by our ignorant voters to help them in the redistricting. The whole thing is supposed to be political on purpose. Corinne Brown's district is hideous and insulting and I am sure there are others. There are deals being made and we need to hold the GOP leaders/members feet to the fire. Vote their butts out. Cowards - the whole lot of them that voted for this crap!
Fair Districts Plan will probably end up in court. They have failed to follow the mandates of these two Constitutional Amendments.
My bet is they are making deals with the democrats again which is what got us redistricted the way we were last time. It's I'll give you this if you give me that, and Debbie, the queen pin from the democratic party, has a district right next to Allen West and hates him (because he tells the truth and is not politically correct while doing it). She and friends actually protested outside his office, and she has continued to harrass him. My bet is they made a deal and threw the only black republican in the state of Florida under the bus. The thing is, at least for me, I don't care if Allen West was purple, he is still the best thing since popcorn for the conservative movement (but most of the folks in Tallahassee, bare few, are quasi RINOS, and think they can deal away someone like Allen West.
Call me stupid, but why can they redistrict Allen West and not Corrine Brown?
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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