Two Critical action items below.
The first relates to Florida’s Stand your ground law and the second with the Virginia’s Governor’s race. Ken Cuccinelli is a Conservative Republican and the race is CLOSE. Tea parties around the country and here in Florida are joining forces to support his last minute efforts to take this seat. We can no longer operate in our vacuum we must reach out and support each other if we are going to succeed in taking American back. Remember in 2014 we have elections here and will need the support of our friends to win at the polls.
Bill to REPEAL Castle Doctrine/Stand Your Ground in Committee
FROM: Marion P. Hammer
USF Executive Director
NRA Past President
WHERE: Florida House Criminal Justice Committee Hearing
WHEN: Thursday, November 7, 2013 at 3:00pm
WHAT: Bills on the Agenda -- HB-4003 by Williams and HB-89 by Combee
WE OPPOSE HB-4003 by Rep. Alan Williams (D-Tallahassee). HB-4003 is a REPEALER bill that will repeal the "Stand Your Ground" law. The bill would repeal provisions of our self-defense laws relating to home protection & use of deadly force. It would once again put the law on the side of criminals.
The repeal would re-impose the "duty to retreat" and give protection to criminals by denying victims the right to fight back without first trying to run away. It would remove the law that allows you to stand your ground and fight back in the face of an attack likely to cause death or great bodily harm. This is a bill to protect criminals.
WE SUPPORT HB-89 by Rep. Neil Combee (R-Auburndale) & Rep. Katie Edwards (D-Sunrise) HB-89 is a bill to stop abusive prosecutors from using 10-20-LIFE to prosecute people who threaten to use deadly force against an attacker as a means to stop an attack.
Some anti-gun, anti-self-defense prosecutors have been abusing the 10-20-LIFE law to prosecute average citizens who displayed a weapon or gun in self-defense to make an attacker back off.
Average citizens who never would have been in the system if they had not been attacked and in fear for their own safety, are being persecuted and prosecuted for defending themselves. Because citizens took responsibility for their own safety, some prosecutors treat them like criminals and make them victims of a judicial system that is no longer about justice but rather about the whim or politics of prosecutors.
10-20-Life was passed to be used against criminals who use guns in the commission or attempted commission of crimes -- NOT average citizens who use threats of force to defend themselves rather than actual force.
We urge you to EMAIL and CALL Committee members and tell them to
VOTE AGAINST HB-4003 by Williams and VOTE FOR HB-89 by Combee
IN THE SUBJECT PUT: VOTE FOR HB-89 by Combee / AGAINST HB-4003 by Williams
(To send your message to all just Block and Copy All email addresses into the "Send To" box),,,,,,,,,,,,
Chairman, Matt Gaetz – (850) 717-5004
Vice Chair, Ray Pilon – (850) 717-5072
Irving Slosberg – (850) 717-5099
Randolph Bracy – (850) 717-5045
Mike Clelland – (850) 717-5029
Dane Eagle – (850) 717-5077
James Grant – (850) 717-5064
Gayle Harrell – (850) 717-5083
Dave Hood – (850) 717-5025
Travis Hutson – (850) 717-5024
Dave Kerner – (850) 717-5087
Kionne McGhee – (850) 717-5117
Charles Van Zant – (850) 717-5019
Please forward this email to your friends, neighbors, and co-workers who believe in the right to defend self and family from criminal attackers.
You can help send a message across America by getting involved in the Ken Cuccinelli campaign. His victory will show all citizens that the Tea Party is NOT GOING AWAY!
Election day is Tuesday, Nov 5. Please act now to GET INVOLVED!
Next Tuesday and the Fate of ObamaCare
No election -- state or national -- will be as important in sending a message about ObamaCare or massive lawbreaking by government than the one on Tuesday in the Virginia governor's race.
Republicans running in 2014 and 2016 are watching whether Ken Cuccinelli wins to determine if they should be bold, hard-charging Ted Cruzes, or whether they should roll over by making weak, token passes at ObamaCare that will do nothing but ensure its permanence.
The Washington establishment wants to paint this election as a referendum on principled conservatism -- tea partyism. Ken Cuccinelli is more than just a conservative. He is a constitutional conservative, and like Ted Cruz, Mike Lee and Rand Paul, makes establishment Republicans nervous.
The collaboration of establishment Republicans with big government and their lack of effectiveness in controlling it are exposed when constitutional conservatives hold office.
Already the forces for bloated, law breaking government are giddy with the prospect that Virginia's Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli will go down in defeat. The Washington Post headline reads, "Cuccinelli's hard-line conservatism seems headed for decisive rejection in Va."
Ken Cuccinelli was the first state attorney general to file suit against ObamaCare, appropriately saying that the case was about freedom instead of healthcare. The election on November 5 is a signal to Republicans. Will they get the right message? More appropriately stated, will we send them the right message?
President Obama will campaign with Terry McAuliffe this Sunday. With his presidency collapsing around him as his signature accomplishment shows itself to be a massive failure, he is eager to pass the torch for his agenda. A win for McAuliffe would be resuscitation for ObamaCare and government law breaking. A win for Cuccinelli would be the real beginning of the end of Obamacare.
We NEED a conservative win next Tuesday, November 5th in the Virginia governor's race!!! President Obama's approval is down to 42% and this race has tightened to 4 points in the latest Quinnipiac poll.
ACTION: Anyone wanting to make calls for Ken Cuccinelli can email Ross Berry at:
Just put Calls for Ken in the subject box
He will email a call list and a script. This does require people to use their own minutes.
Let's support Ken - he was the first attorney general to file a lawsuit against Obamacare and fight for hard working Americans!
ACTION: And if you can support this effort financially:
Go to: Ken Cuccinelli
Despite the Democrats having a massive financial advantage in TV ad sending the past three weeks Republican Ken Cuccinelli has not only held on - he's closed the gap.
Now we need to close strong. Our media buyers are trying to place more TV ads supporting Ken Cuccinelli, but we need more money if we are going to be able to expand to more stations.
Please make the most generous contribution you can afford to our independent expenditure TV ad campaign supporting Conservative Republican Ken Cuccinelli for Governor.
You can contribute as little as $5 up to the maximum allowed contribution amount of $5,000.
We are trying to purchase TV airtime during Prime Time and key sports programming, but these ads are the most expensive. We can purchase some of these "premium" advertising times if we can pool together contributions of $100, $250, $500, $1,000 or more from multiple supporters.
Additional information:
“In a Right-to-Work state, union bosses are dumping a lot of money into defeating Ken Cuccinelli”
“By: LaborUnionReport (Diary) | October 31st, 2013 at 10:15 PM
Union bosses and other out-of-state liberals–from Hollywood to New York–are pouring millions into the Virginia governor’s race.
They are, without a doubt, hell-bent on defeating Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli and putting long-time Democratic party boss and fund-raiser Terry McAuliffe into the governor’s seat.
More than that, however, the Left (just as they are targeting Texas and other Southern states) may be using the governor’s race to put the final nail in the coffin for Republicans in a state that has swung from reliably red to almost-but-not-quite blue.
While the polls in the seem to be tightening from a McAuliffe shoe-in to a too-close-to-call (were it not for the Libertarian candidate), according to the Washington Post, Democrat McAuliffe has collected $8 million more than Cuccinelli.
In addition to Democrat heavyweights like Bill Clinton ($100,000), Hollywood heavy hitters like the Weinstein Co. ($25,000) and noted author John Grisham ($75,000), Planned Parenthood donated over $1.5 million and many other liberal special interest groups have sent McAuliffe six-digit donations.
Given the amount of big out-of-state money and extraordinary efforts union bosses and their liberal cohorts are putting into the race, one must question how the Left will gain from a McAuliffe win.
Why are union bosses investing so heavily in Right-to-Work Virginia?”
Full Article..
GET INVOLVED! GO TO: Ken Cuccinelli
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Thank you for your continued support in the efforts to bring America back to her founding principles.
God Bless you and God Bless OUR AMERICA !!!
Much of the information provided in this release was obtained in 3 separate emails from other patriots They can be provided upon request..
Again I apologize for the errors in the heading. I should have triple checked. This one handed typing is still a challenge.
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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