The recent meetings in Tally are over and while many people had their voices head there is not a strong feeling that Governor Scott or others in various departments are interested in stopping Common Core in Florida. The fight must continue. Below are three things that you can do immediately to continue to let our ELECTED officials know that we will not give up the fight..
It has come to my attention that there are a lot of Pro CC and they and they are creating a lot of posts on the Florida Hearing website. WE NEED TO BOMBARD that website with hard cold facts about CCSS!!!
Karen Effrem from the Florida Coalitition to Stop Common Core ( said you can comment anonymously and multiple times!!!
It is VERY important for as many people, whether in Florida or not, flood the system with negative comments about specific standards. We have definite evidence that the other side is mounting a systematic campaign on the website and did so during the hearings. PLEASE COMMENT NOW and OFTEN!!!!!!!! I think its open until the end of this month.
I would venture to say that you could just pull data from your individual state sites that call out the issues of Data mining, the change in FERPA, the inappropriate standards, etc... just copy and paste.. BUT send to them. Let them have to read all the important information that you have all worked so hard to put out there!!! I have attached again some of the comments on the standards themselves from Stotsky and Wurman (just in case you have not seen).
Please pass this information on.. we need as many voices helping to take down CCSS in Florida whether you are in Fl or not. If we can take down CC in a state where Jeb and his cronies have had their foot in the door for all the years, that would be a huge, huge win for ALL of us. They have funds to hire people to sit their writing positive comments, we need to be as aggressive.
I will put some addition links in the comment field under this blog for you to gather information. Additionally, if you are a Facebook user go to the First Coast Tea Party and/or Northeast Florida Parents Against Common Core pages. LIKE the page and you will find a tremendous amount of information.
There are 2 PRO-Common Core Meetings coming up Oct-21 and Oct 28. If any of you can attend to see if you can voice opposition or just to report back it would be great. Plus the next Duval County School Board Meeting is Nov. 5 Details below.
Regional Meeting about Common Core State Standards
When: October 21, 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Where: Milne Auditorium, Edward Waters College
Common Core State Standards will prepare our kids for the future.
We need a modern way to preparing our students for college and the jobs of the future. Come to this community meeting to learn more about the Common Core State Standards, and what YOU can do to get involved.
Register here! Doors open and refreshments will be served at 5:30pm. The program will begin at 6 p.m.
Dr. Nickolai Vitti, Superintendent of Duval County Public Schools
Gretchen Lynch, President of PTA
Dr. Marie Snow, EWC Chair of Elementary Education
Antonio Gansley-Ortiz, DCPS Student
Learn more at
Regional Community Meeting about Common Core State Standards
When: October 28, 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Where: UNF University Center, 12000 Alumni Drive, Jacksonville, Fl 32224
Common Core State Standards will prepare our kids for the future.
We need a modern way to preparing our students for college and the jobs of the future. Come to this community meeting to learn more about the Common Core State Standards, and what YOU can do to get involved.
Register here! Doors open and refreshments will be served at 5:30pm. The program will begin at 6 p.m.
Dr. Nickolai Vitti, Superintendent of Duval County Public Schools
Melissa Kicklighter, PTA Vice President for Regions and Councils
Antonio Gansley-Ortiz, DCPS Student
Learn more at
Duval County School Board Meeting
When: November 5: 6:00 PM
Where: Duval County Public Schools, Cline Auditorium, 1701 Prudential Drive, Jacksonville FL 32207
The Duval County School Board holds its regular meeting. Agendas are available at
If you attend please let us know what you learned by commenting in the COMMENT section on this blog.
Contact your Florida Senate and House members and let them know that we the people will not cease this fight for the children's future. Let them know that they have a responsibility to understand the entire Common Core program from who and where it started to how Florida received 2009 stimulus money with the CC string attached. this program was never field tested, the curriculum is not only not age appropriate but political and often offensive. Ask them to understand why other states have already taken action to leave the FEDERAL program. And, let them know that this will impact THEIR CHILDREN AND GRANDCHILDREN TO..
Find your Florida State Senators here:
Find your Florida State Representatives here:
Contact Gov. Rick Scott:
1 850-488-7146.
Thanks to Dru Faulk ( Northeast Florida Parents Against Common Core ) for putting the majority of this information together.
There are so many issues right now and so many things we need to address I could put out an ACTION ITEM nearly everyday. We need to ALL jump on this one. This is about our children
God Bless you and may GOD BLESS OUR AMERICA!!
Here is the trickery Governors (especially those up for election in 2014) are trying to pull and the reason I say we cannot agree to compromise. We must demand that Common Core and all its ugly tentacles be repealed. Doesn't anyone find it strange that all of sudden many of the Governor's are having a come to Jesus moment about Common Core? But has 1 Governor actually repealed Common Core? No they have not. They are playing games and sadly a lot of citizens are falling for the new shade of lipstick they are painting on the same dirty pig.
Analysis - What Governor Scott's Documents Do and Do Not Accomplish
September 26, 2013
While the Florida Stop Common Core Coalition is very grateful for Governor Scott's willingness to hear the concerns of Florida parents and citizens about the many problems with the Common Core system of national standards, tests, and data collection, it is important to understand their implications. After careful analysis, here is a list of what these documents do and do not accomplish:
What Governor Scott's executive order and letters DO accomplish-
Acknowledge concerns about federal overreach
Acknowledge concerns about teaching, testing and data collection of psychological attitudes and beliefs
Withdraw Florida as fiscal agent for PARCC
Orders an open process for selecting a new test
Seek to gather public input about the standards via 3 hearings and public comments
Show some willingness to change the standards to make them Florida's standards
Rejects the official CCSS text examples
What Governor Scott's executive order and letters DO NOT accomplish -
Stop the implementation of the Common Core standards
Prevent changes to the standards from being only superficial within the allowed 15% that Florida previously declined
Withdraw Florida from the PARCC consortium as stated by Commissioner Stewart
Prevent PARCC from being still considered as Florida's test as stated by Commissioner Stewart
Prevent Florida's test from being based on national Common Core standards
Stop or prohibit the teaching, testing and data collection of psychological attitudes & attributes
Limit the scope of data collection on students, families, and teachers
For great information to "arm" yourself with, download or view our policy analysis of the Common Core Standards at our website at
Beck previewed the other night on his streaming TV show, telling about teachers being required to sign an 8-page non-disclosure regarding this "curriculum" and showed a graphic from one of the lessons, which depicted a figure climbing a stairway up, from free-market capitalism at the bottom to socialism in the middle to communism at the top!
"Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted. Give us the child for 8 years and it will be a Bolshevik forever." - Lenin
This story deals with Texas. (Indeed if this is happening there, consider how much worse it must be elsewhere. Consider too if this is one element of the Progressive/Democrats' announced plan to flip Texas from "red" to "blue" within the next few election cycles).
Without a doubt the Progressive teacher colleges and education bureaucracy are (and have been) indoctrinating youth across the country -- toward secularism, environmentalism / "sustainability" as a quasi-religion, "global" perspective coupled with diminishing the concept of nationhood (much less American exceptionalism) -- oh, and making sure that while suitably indoctrinated, they are of limited literacy, even more limited critical thinking skills and so unlikely to ever be economically self-sufficient or productive members of society.
In other words, public "schools" are being (if not already have been) transformed into factories producing low-information voters a/k/a Democrat voters.
The author, a longtime teacher and principal, levels harsh criticisms against the English/language arts standards of the Common Core State Standards.
Some standards call on young children to behave like high school seniors, making fine distinctions between words or literary devices, carrying on multiple processes simultaneously, and expressing their understandings in precise academic language, she says. While others expect them to have a strong literary background after only two or three years of schooling.
The language arts standards of the Common Core in too many places are simply too difficult and/or irrelevant for elementary grade students.
When I first read the Common Core English/language arts standards for grades K-5, my visceral reaction was that they represented an unrealistic view of what young children should know and be able to do. As an elementary teacher and principal for most of my life, I could not imagine children between the ages of 5 and 11 responding meaningfully to the standards' expectations. But clearly I was in the minority. Forty-five states have adopted the standards without a murmur of complaint; writers and publishers are racing to produce materials for teaching them, and the teachers quoted in news articles or advertisements speak of the standards as if they are the silver bullet they have been waiting for.
Since then, I have read the English/language arts (ELA) standards many times; each time, they are more troubling. Some standards call on young children to behave like high school seniors, making fine distinctions between words or literary devices, carrying on multiple processes simultaneously, and expressing their understandings in precise academic language. Others expect them to have a strong literary background after only two or three years of schooling…And, sadly, a few standards serve only to massage the egos of education elitists, but are of no use in college courses, careers, or everyday life.
To give you just an inkling of the problems in applying the ELA standards to young children, I offer a scenario of what might happen in a 1st-grade classroom when the following language standard is approached: (L.1.1) Use the most frequently occurring inflections and affixes (e.g., -ed, -s, re-, un-, pre-, -ful, -less) as a clue to the meaning of an unknown word.
While reading aloud from a 1st-grade book, Zach stumbled over the word“recheck” and, although he eventually pronounced it correctly, his teacher felt that he did not fully grasp its meaning in the sentence. It seemed like a good time to make the class aware of the prefix “re” and how it works. So, she stopped the lesson and wrote these words on the white board: remake, rewrite, and retell. Then she asked the children to explain what each word meant. Several students raised their hands and answered correctly.
“What does the ‘re’ part of each word tell us?” she then asked. The fi rst student called on said “re” means to do something again. Nodding in approval, the teacher wrote “recheck” on the board leaving a space between “re” and “check.” Then she asked, “So, what does ‘recheck’ mean?”
“To check something again,” answered the class in chorus.
Since things were going well, the teacher decided to continue by asking students to name other words that worked the same way. Various class members confidently suggested, re-eat, re-dance, re-sleep, re-win, and others were waving their hands when she stopped them.
“Those aren't real words,” she said. “We don't say, ‘I'm going to resleep tonight.’ Let's try to think of real words or look for them in our books.” After giving the class a few minutes, she asked again for examples.
This time, the words were real enough: repeat, renew, reason, remove, return, read, and reveal, but none of them fi t the principle being taught. Since it seemed futile to explain all that to 1st graders, the teacher did the best thing she could think of: “You reminded (uh-oh) me of ‘recess,’ ” she said. “So, let's go out right now.”
As they left the room, the children chatted happily among themselves:“We're going to ‘cess’ again!” “We'll ‘re-see’ our friends.” “I want to‘re-play’ dodge ball.”
“Next time,” thought the teacher, “I'd better try a different prefix.”But then “un-smart” and “un-listen” popped into her head, and she decided to leave that particular standard for later in the year.
Although I could write scenarios for several other standards, they would make this paper much longer and not be as amusing as this one. Instead, I will present just a few standards that I find inappropriate for K-5 students along with brief explanations of their problems.
A Reading/Literature standard for 4th grade calls on students to: (RL.4. 4) Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including those that allude to significant characters found in mythology (e.g., Herculean).
I can't help wondering how 9- and 10-year-olds are supposed to do their “determining.” Competent, engaged readers of any age do not stop to puzzle out unknown words in a text. Mostly, they rely on the surrounding context to explain them. But, if that doesn't work, they skip them, figuring that somewhere down the page they will be made clear.
Should students regularly consult a dictionary or thesaurus while reading? I don't think so. That's a surefire way to destroy the continuity of meaning. Nor would I expect them to recall an explanatory reference from the field of classic literature at this early stage of their education. Moreover, for each “Herculean” word that matches a literary character, there would be several like “cupidity” and “pander”that have strayed far from their original meanings.
In the Reading/Information category, I quickly found a standard with expectations far beyond the knowledge backgrounds of the children for whom it is intended: (RI.2.3) Describe the connection between a series of historical events, scientific ideas or concepts, or steps in technical procedures in a text.
Just assuming that 2nd graders are familiar with “a series” of historical events, etc., is simply unrealistic. But expecting them to“describe the connection between (sic) them” is delusional. Is there only one simple connection among a series of “scientific ideas”? How would you, as an adult, describe the connections among the steps in building a robot or even baking a pie?
In most of the Reading/Information standards, the same expectations for describing complex relationships among multiple items appear: (RI.5.5) Compare and contrast the overall structure (e.g., chronology, comparison, cause/effect, problem/solution) of events, ideas, concepts, or information in two or more texts.
For 5th graders, this standard would be even more difficult to meet than the previous one because it asks them to carry out two different operations on two or more texts that almost certainly differ in content, style, and organization.
In the Writing and Speaking/Listening categories, there are fewer standards altogether. Yet, some of these standards also make unrealistic demands. One asks 1st graders to: (W.1.7) Participate in shared research and writing projects (e.g., explore a number of “how-to” books on a given topic and use them to write a sequence of instructions).
Since this standard does not mention “adult guidance and support,” as many others do, I assume that a group of 1st graders is expected to work on its own to digest the content of several books, prune it to the essentials, and then devise a well-ordered list of instructions. This would be a complicated assignment even for students much older, requiring not only analysis and synthesis, but also self-regulation and compromise. I cannot see 1st graders carrying it out without a teacher guiding them every step of the way.
Of all the ELA standards, the ones in the Language (i.e., grammar) category are the most unrealistic. I could cite almost all of them as unreasonable for the grades designated and a few as pointless for any grade. Here is part of a kindergarten standard that fits both descriptions: (L.K.1). (When speaking) Produce and expand complete sentences in shared language activities.
Most of the kindergartners I know have no idea what the term “complete sentence” means. Children and adults commonly speak short phrases and single words to each other. I can't imagine any kindergarten teacher insisting during a group language activity that children speak in“complete sentences” or that they “expand” their sentences. Those directions would in all likelihood end the activity quickly as most children fell silent.
…I cannot leave this critique of the ELA Standards without taking one more swipe at the Language category. Standard (L.4.1) asks 4th graders to: Use relative pronouns (who, whose, whom, which, that) and correctly use frequently confused words (e.g., to, too, two; there, their) in speech and writing.
Several of these words are ones that many educated adults use incorrectly all the time. In fact “who” is so often used in place of“whom” that it is widely recognized as correct. Why not hold adults accountable for meeting this standard before expecting 4th graders to do so?
In finding fault with so many of the K-5 ELA standards, my familiarity with children's abilities and educational needs have guided me. Standards advocates may well argue that I have offered no evidence and scant research to support my views. In rebuttal, I would argue that they are in the same position and that much of what they propose for children flies in the face of established learning theory and brain development research.
The reality is that the standards' creators have laid out a set of expectations for America's children that are grounded only in an antiquated conception of education and their personal preferences. And their followers, bedazzled by the standards length and breadth, illusion of depth, and elitist aura, have fallen into line as if lured by the Pied Piper of Hamelin.
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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