ACTION ITEM: This Legislative Session Ends Tomorrow

 Help Defeat Tuition Waivers and Law Licenses for Illegal Aliens

The Florida legislative session ends tomorrow evening, May 2, and two pro-illegal alien bills are still in play. SB1400 gives illegal aliens tuition waivers (the House counterpart, HB851, also is active) and HB755 allows illegal aliens to practice law. Fortunately, little time remains for passage.


Please follow the instructions below for calling key legislators who can make a difference in defeating this legislation.
Calling Senators on SB1400/HB851 (Tuition Waiver)
Please call the following Senators with the message below. If you are a constituent, it is important to mention it.
"Please vote NO on SB1400, the tuition waiver bill for illegal aliens, or its House counterpart, HB851. The $22 million per year price tag will hurt Florida taxpayers. This is outrageous when state support for higher education already decreased 41 percent between FY 2008 and FY 2013."

"This legislation could displace legal students and raise their tuition. They have already faced an average yearly tuition increase of 67 percent between FY 2008 to FY 2013."

Unless you are prepared to vote for tuition or tax increases to cover the revenues lost under SB1400 or HB851, vote NO on this legislation.

Senator Dean, (850) 487-5005
Senator Detert, (850) 487-5028
Senator Evers, (850) 487-5002
Senator Galvano, (850) 487-5026
Senator Gardiner, (850) 487-5013
Senator Negron, (850) 487-5032
Senator Richter, (850) 487-5023
Senator Sachs, (850) 487-5034
Senator Simpson, (850) 487-5018
Senator Sobel, (850) 487-5033
Senator Stargel, (850) 487-5015
Calling Senate President Gaetz
Please call Senate President Don Gaetz -- (850) 487-5001 -- with the message below. If you are his constituent, it is important to mention it.
"Please help block passage of legislation that gives illegal aliens tuition waivers (SB1400 or HB851) and that allows illegal aliens to practice law (HB755)."

I just received this update:

The Florida House just passed HB755 which would allow illegal aliens to be admitted to the Florida Bar!  Our elected officials not only have snubbed their nose at the law, they are aiding criminals.  Imagine if you gave a car to a bank robber because he was getting chased by the police, if caught, you would be charged as aiding a criminal or even being an accessory in the crime.

House Speaker Will Weatherford (R) has made giving in-state tuition rates for undocumented students a top priority this session.  We need everyone to email their Florida Senator. The Florida Bar requires professional ethics that would not allow criminals to practice law.  Allowing illegal aliens to be lawyers is like bank robbers to be bank tellers! 

An Officer of the Court can be removed for breaking the law. How can the legislature sanction making an illegal alien who has, at a minimum, broken immigration law an Officer of the Court?


Click the link below:

 Fill out the form below to send an email to all Florida Senators t...





ON 3/29


AND ON 4/29:

I sincerely appreciate all who have taken the time to send emails and make phone calls during this session for you are true Patriots!!!

While we won some and lost others your efforts allowed WE THE PEOPLE to have a voice.

Like you I will not forget those elected officials who voted the will of the people.

One has to wonder why a bill that had all but died was so quickly brought back to life (Instate tuition for illegals). Yet any effort to stop or pause Common Core remained untouched.

We will not forget

May God Bless You and May God Bless Our America


Credits to the following:



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Comment by Leanne King on May 1, 2014 at 9:20pm

This came in my email today. Thought you would find it interesting.

State senators revive, advance immigrant-tuition bill
By Tonya Alanez

4:19 p.m. EDT, April 30, 2014


A senator’s controversial, presumed-dead quest to secure in-state college tuition for students whose parents immigrated to the country illegally rose from the ashes Wednesday.

Under the measure, undocumented students would be eligible to compete for fee waivers granting them in-state tuition if they had attended a Florida high school for at least three years prior to graduation. They would not be eligible for financial aid.

The bills sponsor, Sen. Jack Latvala, R-Clearwater, encouraged his fellow lawmakers to help remedy an “inequitable situation” that now penalizes children brought to the United States through no choice of their own.

Sen. Kelli Stargel, R-Lakeland, feared Florida would be throwing out the welcome mat for illegal immigrants.

Would the proposed legislation not send the message that “we're trying encourage illegal immigrants to come to Florida, to move here, and live here and go to our [schools]?”

Latvala said the bill laid out enough criteria to dissuade that.

“I don’t think we’re opening the door to an influx of new people,” Latvala said. “I just don’t think that that’s the message we’re sending.”

Wearing handmade, bright-orange felt mortarboards, students who could benefit from the proposed legislation have rallied in the state Capitol throughout the week. About two dozen of them sat overlooking the Senate chamber during the nearly one-hour debate.

Such students now pay up to three or four times the in-state tuition rates to attend Florida state colleges and universitiies.

Senators took up House bill 851, sponsored by Rep. Jeanette Nuñez. R-Miami, which passed in the lower chamber on an 81-33 vote March 20. Because it was amended, it now must return to the House for another approval.

The Senate version of the bill (SB 1400) had seemingly died earlier this month when Sen. Joe Negron, R-Stuart, chair of the Appropriations Committee, refused to bring the bill before his committee.

Negron wrote in a statement that he couldn't justify using Florida tax dollars to defray the cost of tuition for students whose parents had not entered the country legally.

House Speaker Will Weatherford, R-Wesley Chapel, has touted the proposed legislation as a primary goal of this session.

And though elected on a wave of anti-immigration promises, Gov. Rick Scott supports the measure and earlier this month called upon lawmakers to hear the matter out.

The proposed legislation also restricts state universities from seeking automatic, annual 15-percent tuition increases without legislative approval. The increase requests would be limited to 6 percent a year.

Comment by Leanne King on May 1, 2014 at 8:33pm

Well I got one reply already.

    Thank you for your e-mail message. Because I receive such an overwhelming number of daily e-mails, I send this automatic response to verify receipt of your correspondence.  Unfortunately it is not always possible for me to personally respond so I use this medium primarily to obtain opinions from constituents regarding legislative issues. However, it is important that your name, address with zip code and phone number be on your e-mail in the event that I need to contact you.

Should you require more information or assistance, please contact me at the numbers given below. I will be happy to assist you.


(904) 287-4222; Fax 888-263-3475

113 Nature Walk Pkwy, Unit 106, St. Augustine, FL  32092-3066


(850) 487-5006; Fax: 850-410-4802

Suite 400, The Capitol, 404 South Monroe Street, Tallahassee, FL 32399-1100

Thank you again for taking the time to contact me. Your thoughts are important to me and help keep me well informed. Please be assured I will take note of your comments and appreciate both your input and your activism.

Senator John Thrasher
Florida Senate District 6

National Debt Clock


The First CoastTea Party is a non-profit organization. We have no deep-pocketed special interest funding our efforts.

You may contact us at:

First Coast Tea Party
1205 Salt Creek Island Dr
Ponte Vedra, FL 32082

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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