Hello All !!!!
We are back on In-State Tuition for Illegal Aliens
On March 11th I sent out an Action Item related to HB851 ( Oppose In-State Tuition for Illegal Aliens) and requested contact with various Elected Officials. If you wish to reference the message click the link below. You will notice an update that I added to the comment field on March 13th. (A reference to the Senate bill is in that update.)
Tonight I received the communication below from NumbersUSA and believe it is time that we make contact with Governor Scott to express our displeasure with his stance on this issue.
Dear Florida activist,
Florida Gov. Rick Scott announced his support for SB 1400, a bill that would give illegal-alien students access to taxpayer subsidized in-state tuition. The bill is very similar to HB 851, which will soon get a House floor vote.
Scott is supporting the bill, in part, because it contains his own proposal to place limits on how much state universities can raise tuition each year. While NumbersUSA takes no position on the tuition limitation measure, we argue Gov. Scott should find another vehicle for his plan that does not force taxpayers to underwrite tuition for illegal aliens.
Please contact Scott to slam his support for any bill that gives illegal aliens in-state tuition.
Below are talking points to assist in your communication but feel free to make your message personal.
Talking Points
I am angry that you are backing in-state tuition for illegal aliens under SB 1400. If you want to limit tuition increases, find another bill for pushing your proposal that does not force taxpayers to underwrite tuition for illegal aliens.
Extra Talking Points
Subsidizing the college education of illegal aliens will reduce university system tuition revenues and result in tuition increases, something you are obviously worried about. It also can force program cuts that diminish the quality of higher education. In other words, supporting in-state tuition hurts the families you are trying to help.
You have flip-flopped on immigration enforcement since 2010 so I honestly don't know if I can support you this year. You can redeem yourself, however, by pledging to oppose any bill that provides in-state tuition or other public benefits for illegal aliens.
I really liked the fact that you previously campaigned as an immigration enforcer and then issued an executive order on E-Verify. That's why I'm shocked by your turnaround. If you continue to support in-state tuition, I just may stay home on election day rather than choose between the lesser of two evils.
Gov. Rick Scott, Phone (850) 488-7146 - using the suggested talking points.
Use Gov. Scott's web form to leave an extended message with the extra talking points.
Complete email form at http://www.flgov.com/contact-gov-scott/email-the-governor/
As you can tell our struggles on so many issues will continue as we follow both House Bills and Senate Bills through their various committees to a final vote in the full House. As to not overload your email boxes I will add any updates that I receive in the comment fields at the bottom of the original message on the blog site. You may want to visit them occasionally to check progress.
I want to thank you for your comments, your emails and messages to me letting me know that you have taken action and for your suggestions which can only help me to do a better job for you.
Rest well PATRIOTS..Tomorrow is another day
God Bless You and May God Bless our America
Illegals have a RIGHT, the RIGHT to be DEPORTED IMMEDIATELY. Any legislator who is more concerned about ILLEGALS than AMERICAN CITIZENS should be voted out and should be ashamed of himself. Republicans are naïve ( STUPID) to pander to Hispanics. Most Hispanics will vote Democrat anyway. Shame on every single President after Eisenhower for NOT PROPERLY ENFORCING OUR IMMIGRATION LAWS. What is it about the word ILLEGAL they do not understand?
A response from Senator Gaetz.
Contacted Sen. Gaetz about the illegals getting instate rates for college.
Response from FL State Senator Don Gaetz regarding in-state tuition for illegal aliens.
April 24, 2014 at 1:18pm
Dear XX XXXXX, Thanks so much for writing me regarding Senate Bill 1400, sponsored by Senator Jack Latvala (R-Clearwater).
This legislation would provide taxpayer subsidies in the form of in-state tuition for students who have entered this country illegally.
In one form or another, a bill like this has passed the Florida House of Representatives in previous years, but has never passed the Senate. This year, the legislation has passed favorably out of three Senate committees. The sponsor, Senator Jack Latvala, has stated that a majority of members of the Senate, including Republicans and Democrats, are co-sponsoring the bill with him. The Speaker of the House, Will Weatherford, has made passing this bill a personal goal and priority.
Because of the high esteem in which I hold Speaker Weatherford, I have listened carefully to his arguments in favor of the bill. I am convinced he comes to his position sincerely, prayerfully and with great compassion. I respect him and I respect his advocacy for a cause he believes is right.
I am told it is “good politics” to support Senator Latvala’s bill, that it will help Republican candidates appeal to Hispanic voters in the 2014 and 2016 elections. Perhaps. It is certainly true that my Republican Party has lost much of the Hispanic support President Bush earned in 2000 and 2004 and that Governor Jeb Bush still has in our state and across the nation.
However, SB 1400 is not limited to Hispanics. It casts a blanket of approval over non-citizens who are in this country without proper legal status from anywhere in the world, including countries which are caldrons of terrorism and anti-American violence. There is no improper or careless intent behind the legislation, but this bill goes much further than merely reaching out to Hispanic voters.
Though I am likely in the minority in the Legislature on this matter, I cannot support taxpayer subsidies in the form of tuition discounts for undocumented or illegal students. I will vote against it if amended onto legislation waiting to be heard on the Senate floor.
Just three weeks ago Governor Scott signed the Florida GI Bill, a joint priority of Speaker Weatherford and mine. Under one of the provisions of this historic law – designed to make Florida the most military-friendly state in the nation – our veterans of all armed services will receive in-state tuition discounts so they can earn degrees and build families, businesses, and successful lives here in Florida. This is truly an earned entitlement for sacrifice and service to our country.
I cannot equate the sacrifice of those who have volunteered to shed blood for this country with the claims, however compelling, of those who are here illegally. I cannot vote to treat these two groups the same.
It is also important to note that our universities today accept undocumented students. It is true they are required to pay out-of-state tuition, but Florida’s out-of-state tuition prices are the same as some states’ in-state prices. It is also true that even out-of-state tuition does not pay the full cost of a higher education – taxpayers subsidize out-of-state tuition, too. Finally, it is true the universities already have the flexibility to waive out of state tuition on a case-by-case basis.
The question posed by SB 1400 is not whether undocumented students will have access to a Florida public college or university education that is supported by Florida taxpayers – they already do. The question is the extent to which parents, struggling to save for their own children’s education, and taxpayers, slowly recovering from a deep recession, should be required to pay for substantially increased tuition subsidies for non-citizens, who have not attained legal status in our country.
Our federal immigration laws are a mess. Democrats and Republicans alike have failed to face the issue honestly and effectively. And, real solutions are unlikely to be popular.
SB 1400 – however popular it may be – is not a solution and I cannot support it as a bill or an amendment. As always, I am grateful for your advice. Your guidance and insights – whether you agree or disagree with me – make me a better senator for Northwest Florida.
Respectfully, Senator Don Gaetz
SB1400 -- a bill that gives illegal-alien students partial tuition waivers and enables them to pay the same in-state tuition rates as Florida residents -- has passed three Senate committees so far. We need your help in stopping the measure.
THANK Senator Gaetz and Senator Negron for standing against the bill:
These leaders need convincing, or a reminder, that giving the same tuition to illegal immigrants as we do to our military is not acceptable.
Senator John Thrasher THRASHER.JOHN.WEB@flsenate.gov
Senator Latvala LATVALA.JACK.WEB@flsenate.gov
Rep. Doug Broxson doug.broxson@myfloridahouse.gov
Rep.Matt Gaetz matt.gaetz@myfloridahouse.gov
Governor Rick Scott rick.scott@eog.myflorida.com
see my comment of 3/20/14
Amanda is right. Maybe we should also be calling Rick Hartley, Duval County Republican Executive Committee Chairman, and The Cindy Graves Show, the voice of the Republican Party establishment, and DEMAND they tell the Gov. of our DISGUST for his liberal policies.
Surely most of us will vote no more what, but some will simply stay home and that will make the difference and Scott will NOT BE REELECTED. I am tired of being used and betrayed by the Republican Party establishment.
Tricky Ricky is counting on the Hispanic vote over the tea party vote. He thinks we will vote for him no matter what. He probably is right. He won't get primaried. He has changed his stance on the four pillars of his platform; he wants to expand the Medicaid coverage, his new immigration stance, he wants to give teachers raises and taking tge billion federal dollars to implement Common Core. You gonna vote for Charlie? No. So what is he risking? You gonna stay home? No. You vote everytime. This is a no risk proposition. All upside. Its crass politics at its best. He believes only in getting re-elected.
We have no one to trust PERIOD. It is long past the time to dismantle the government --The ballot box does not seem to work--Our Founders tried to work with the enemy--that didn't work. They risked all to rid themselves of the enemy. Are we prepared to do the same ?.
I just called Gov. Scott's office and told them of my anger for his support of SB 1400. I reminded him that it was the TEA PARTY that got him elected , not the HISPANICS in South Florida. I also told them to tell the Gov. to be more aggressive in his campaign against Crist.
Affirmative action is actually a misnomer. It assumes that one is inferior, and therefore gets a boost. In the case of illegal aliens. They are people who violated our laws to enter the country, which makes them criminals: we should encourage them to hasten back to their country of origin, not encourage them to entice others to practice this crime. If they want entry to our country this badly, let's give them another 'scholarship'...a plane ride to a remote area about 70 to 100 miles from Barrow, Alaska...a journey that should be widely publicized to discourage them from Florida (maybe some other states might like to join in). At any rate, I am sure the experience will be quite enlightening, as they engage in survival techniques
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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