Will Common Core Undo Rick Scott's re-election? It might just do that if we do not stop it!
After a week off our Government is back in session
This is our last chance to reach out to our elected officials as they appear to have NOT listened to the voices of so many concerned parents, grandparents and teachers around the state. So far our cries for the children have fallen on deaf ears.
After recent phone call the two committees that have essentially been sitting on HB25 and SB1316 which would repeal common core, the situation is that if nothing changes, common core, the assessments, the teacher evaluations, and everything else that Bill Gates and Barack Obama wanted are here to stay.
Gates paid Jeb Bush 2.5 million to deliver Florida students to the common core Gulag and deliver them he did. Now Florida parents and their children will be paying for their own indoctrination. Paying millions to the same Big Ed companies that invented common core. All this thanks to a Republians led legislature and governorship.
I just saw a video story from the Florida Stop Common core coalition where Weatherford Assured Corporate Overlords that Plan was to Change CCSS in Name Only in November of 2013 in the video it is easy to see that the fix was in.
I believe this means is that Governor Scott may well lose the election. He will lose a significant amount of his base. A Sunshine State news poll shows that 54% of his base will not vote for him due to his support of common core. I must confess, I will have a hard time voting for him if common core is still here. Having him stand up against common core would ensure his victory but may not work if the Republican House and Senate hold onto to common core.
Governor Scott had a historic opportunity to stop common core without being forced to. If he does nothing or worse keeps saying Florida has their own standards, I think he will be for blamed for common core. Charlie Crist actually signed us into common core, but Governor Scott was in charge when efforts to stop it were quelled and when they were implemented. Coronel Allen West said as “ If Gov. Scott does not clearly renounce the Common Core for Florida, he WILL loose the upcoming election” If Governor Scott feels he has to obey Jeb Bush then he will learn true cut throat politics that only a dedicated progressive like Jeb can show him. If Senator Thrasher wants to get his appointment to head some Florida college than he better deliver on getting Governor Scott reelected. Governor Scott could win easily if he speak up before the legislative session is over. But he will be condemned by his silence
I am going to try any way. I have copied the candidate for Florida House and Senate below, but nobody is even running against these people who would sell our children for political favors. If you get any positive response please let me know.
The following 3 links will make it very easy to contact the appropriate individuals and let them know that we are watching and their refusal to even take these bills up are not acceptable.
The Florida TACtion Center has an urgent action page that allows you to email each member on the committee that is holding up the repeal of common core. http://fltac.org/action/stop-common-core-action/
The Liberty Action center has a webpage where you can email your senator, the governor and others by filling out a single form. http://libertyactioncenter.com/campaign/52ddaf18-f34c-40be-a8ae-5dd...
Call the Senate Education Committee and the and House Education Appropriations Committee and ask them to approve SB1316 and HB 25; both are called the “Public School Curricular Standards and Assessments” bill. Simply click on the links below and then each individual on the committee, it will take you to their page where you can call/email them individually.
I know this will take time but....our children are worth it and this is our last hope.
Florida Committee on Education
Education Committee Page - The Florida Senate
The House Appropriations Committee
And if you still have time: I found the following interesting and there are numbers provided to call.
By John Hallman
I just got back from Tallahassee after meetings with members of the House and Senate Education Committees on the issue of Common Core.
I was amazed that legislators and their staff were all working off the same talking points to sidetrack and confuse those of us opposing Common Core, including the Governor’s office.
After just a couple of meetings, it would have been laughable if weren't so sad that they actually think we will be fooled by their subterfuge.
The Florida Department of Education recently made minor adjustments to Common Core and Rep. Janet Adkins and the K-12 Subcommittee passed a bill (PCB TKS 14-01) , that removes references to Common Core and changes the name to the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards or Florida Standards. Remember that last year our Florida legislators redefined the term Next Generation Sunshine State Standards to include Common Core. This is just a change in semantics with no change in implementation.
These actions fall under “they think we are stupid” category.
Despite minor changes to the standards and a new name, Common Core Standards are still moving forward in Florida.
Fortunately Representative Debbie Mayfield and Senator Greg Evers have filed bills (HB25/SB1316) to stop Common Core in its tracks and require strict criteria to be met before implementing Common Core in the future.
There seems to be a rush to implement standards that will affect millions of Florida students. The lack of transparency of just how Common Core will work is disturbing and Common Core was being implemented while receiving no legislative committee hearings or debate in the Florida Legislature.
Such a huge policy as this should merit a thorough review and public discussion including parents having the time to investigate and ask appropriate questions.
Please take action, the politicians in Tallahassee want to bury this bill and let the clock run out on the session. Let them know that you are not fooled by a name change; Common Core is still being implemented.
TAKE ACTION if you have not already contacted the following.
*HB25 is currently in the Education Appropriations Subcommittee waiting to be heard. Call Erik Fresen, Chair of this Committee and tell him you want HB25 scheduled for a hearing:
Erik Fresen (850) 717-5114
Also call House Education Chair, Representative Marlene O’Toole and tell her to support HB25.
Marlene O’Toole (850) 717-5033
*SB1316 is currently in Education Committee waiting to be heard. Call John Legg, Chair of this Committee and tell him you want HB1316 scheduled for a hearing:
John Legg (850) 487-5017
*It is also crucial that we urge leadership to get on board to support HB25/SB1316:
Senate President Don Gaetz (850) 487-5229
House Speaker Will Weatherford (850) 717-5038
Governor Rick Scott (850) 717-9337
The following information is provided for educational reasons only.
Talking points and more information at http://stopcommoncoreflorida.com/
BUILDING THE MACHINE - A Movie About Common Core From the Home School Legal Defense Association.
Building the Machine introduces the public to the Common Core States Standards Initiative (CCSSI) and its effects on our children’s education. The documentary compiles interviews from leading educational experts, including members of the Common Core Validation Committee. Parents, officials, and the American public should be involved in this national decision regardless of their political persuasion.
- See more at: http://www.commoncoremovie.com/about#sthash.DppJuI7j.dpuf
. Ask Your Congressman to Support Resolution Opposing Common Core | Liberty Action Center
Ask Your Congressman to Support Resolution Opposing Common Core Common Core is being implemented across the US, including Pennsylvania. Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-SC) has introduced H. Res. 476 which denounces the use of federal coercion to lure states into adopting the Common Core Standards and calls for restoration of local control. Ask Your Congressman to Support Resolution Opposing Common Core
Florida's TACtion Center – Presented by the Florida Tenth Amendment CenterWelcome to Florida's TACtion Center - Presented by the Florida Tenth Amendment Center
Take Action! Find the latest info & actions you can take to nullify the overreaching federal government and defend liberty in Florida presented by the FLTAC.Action Alert Update! HB 25 to Stop Common Core Needs Your Support in the Education Appropriations Committee
Greg Evers Files Anti-Common Core Legislation | Sunshine State News
Greg Evers files Senate bill to stop Common Core
Local Resolution Against COMMON CORE- Point And Click This To Your Commissioners In 60 Seconds – Florida Tenth Amendment Center
Florida Tenth Amendment Center Local Resolution Against COMMON CORE- Point And Click This To Your Commissioners In 60 Seconds
Faces of Common Core - YouTube
This video takes a close, personal look at the struggles many of our children face with the new Common Core standards. These developmentally inappropriate st...This video takes a close, personal look at the struggles many of our children face with the new Common Core standards. These developmentally inappropriate standards are now used in 45 states. Our group, Faces of Common Core on Facebook, was created as a place to compare notes and support each other. To join the fight against Common Core, please visit www.stopcommoncore.com and find the link to your state's site.
. Common Core Standards by Dr. Peg Luksik - YouTube
Dr. Peg Luksik comes to Dutchess County and shares why Common Core cannot work. She is a teacher with over 35 years of experience in both special and element...Dr. Peg Luksik comes to Dutchess County and shares why Common Core cannot work. She is a teacher with over 35 years of experience in both special and elementary education, and a former advisor to the U.S. Department of Education. She has extensive experience in assessments in a classroom setting and has written and evaluated curriculum, as well as authoring several books on education issues.-
Common Core Summarized in 2 Minutes - YouTube
Dr. Peg Luksik is interviewed by the press at Sen. Ball's Common Core forum and summarizes the Common Core fiasco in a couple of minutes.--Poughkeepsie, New ...
. Common Core Standards - Fact and Fiction - YouTube
Presented by Joy Pullmann Managing Editor of School Reform News and an Education Research Fellow at The Heartland Institute Published on Apr 14, 2013
Presented by Joy Pullmann, Managing Editor of School Reform News and an Education Research Fellow at The Heartland Institute
Part 1 of 5 Stop the Common Core - YouTube
Copyrighted material. Not authorized to download and reproduce on DVDs. Order DVDs at stopcommoncore.com.Published on Nov 12, 2012
Still the best viseos on Connon Core
The Glenn Beck Program: Common Core and Education - YouTube
Glenn Beck has done a few episodes on Common Core, which is what the federal government is trying to implement in our schools. This episode focused mainly on...Glenn Beck has done a few episodes on Common Core, which is what the federal government is trying to implement in our schools. This episode focused mainly on the data mining aspect of Common Core
Major Problems with Common Core
There are significant problems with Common Core Standards, not least of which is unprecedented data collection on our children, accessible by private companies.WHAT IS COMMON CORE?
The Common Core standards are national standards portrayed as state-led and voluntary that are being implemented by Washington DC trade groups funded by the federal government and unaccountable, private foundations.
. TALLAHASSEE: Renaming ‘Common Core’ standards does little to end education debate - Legislature - MiamiHerald.com
Despite their new name, the education benchmarks known as the Florida Standards closely resemble the controversial Common Core State Standards. Randy Osborne, a political consultant and co-founder of Florida Stop Common Core Coalition, was not satisfied.
“Let’s not just change the name,” Osborne said. “We must pull out of it completely, get out of the system.”
Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2014/01/18/3879688/renaming-common-core-standards.html#storylink=cpy
. Is the ‘Common Core’ Initiative Dumbing Down America’s Students? | Video | TheBlaze.com
Last week TheBlaze covered in detail the controversial school curriculum system -- one that had students actually design a socialist flag -- out of Texas dubbed CSCOPE. Thursday, however, the focus turned to another disturbing initiative in America's education system: Common Core Standards State Standards. The Common Core...
Common Core implementation called ‘worse’ than Healthcare.gov launch
Whether you support the Common Core State Standards or don’t, it’s hard to argue that the implementation so far has been smooth. I’ve posted some pieces about just bad the implementation of the Common Core State Standards and related testing has been going in New York (for example, here) but here’s a comparison that will make it easy to understand just how badly it has goneWhether you support the Common Core State Standards or don’t, it’s hard to argue that the implementation so far has been smooth. I’ve posted some pieces about just bad the implementation of the Common Core State Standards and related testing has been going in New York (for example, here) but here’s a comparison that will make it easy to understand just how badly it has gone
Do you know who is behind Common Core State Standards? This may surprise you...
The information provided above was received from a variety of sources and I do not take credit.
Thank you for your attention to this matter and for taking the time to act.
God Bless You and God Bless Our America
FLORIDA Peeps.. Time running out.. Take ACTION
Governor's Race - Governor Scott, despite his campaign pouring millions of dollars into ads, is still behind Charlie Crist. The Survey USA poll released on April 15th shows Scott 5 points behind Crist 41-46%. We believe that this is in significant part due to his failure to really deal with Common Core. Please continue to contact the governor at:
(850) 717-9337
Email Governor Scott
Please continue to remind him that Common Core is THE issue for hundreds of thousands of active, voting parents and grandparents across the state and that we would like him to:
Donna, I just checked the links and they appear to be working.. I sent them another full set of messages. :) I do know that you have to key a subject in on Action Item 1.
If you continue to have a problem please let me know.
Thank you Donna, I will double check the links as they worked for me this am.
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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