Out here in America, we are watching the worst of the worst in our Nation’s capitol.  The debate between “both sides of the aisle” took a dive as our children watched adults scream, yell, throw fits and call the others names.  It was not just embarrassing; it was heartbreaking to realize thuggish teenagers were in charge of the greatest nation in the world.


Joe Biden, the media and all the other talking heads in DC have once again used bullying tactics instead of professional debating techniques in their negotiations.  Calling someone names is a sign of weakness and you think they would know that.  But again we think they should know a lot of things such as the rule of law and other simple things like that and they don’t.


We’ve been called ignorant, racists, hobbits and the most recent one – terrorists.  Their name calling would be considered bullying outside the bubble of DC.  (Fyi… – the American people are outside the DC bubble and when you speak words of hate, you send them to us wrapped up in hopelessness and frustration.)  The irony of all this is those who called Tea Party Members “terrorists” are the same ones who write speeches, pass legislation and create programs for anti-bullying campaigns.  For instance, did you know:

  1. The Federal government spends our tax dollars for special projects such as non-bullying videos and seminars.  Here is one example:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MJNKObWorm0&feature=watch_response 
  2. Congress passes hate crime legislation to ensure we all get along and are respectful of each other’s differences.  Bills are needed for that, you know.
  3. President Obama even called for civility in our Nation to remind us that our hopes and dreams are bound together.  See his speech here:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SMSVEyqMlg4
  4. Members of Congress spend time giving speeches about bullying from the House floor:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3u8-v2m1EAE
  5. President Obama and First Lady Michelle held a symposium on bullying where Obama said “As a nation, we're founded on the belief that all of us are equal and each of us deserves the freedom to pursue our own version of happiness."
  6. And even the media got behind the cause by hosting special events such as CNN’s “Stop Bullying: Speak Up.”
  7. And…Vice President Joe Biden said these words “the bullies are the inferior ones” in a non-bullying video posted at queerty.com.

In all their speeches, seminars and videos, they tell those who are being bullied to Stand Up and Tell Someone.  So here we are. 


The Tea Party Members in DC and out here in America are standing up and telling you that calling us names such as racists, hobbits and terrorists must stop and it must stop now.   Name calling is bullying and in the words of Vice President Biden, “you are the inferior ones” for using these tactics.


If Joe called me today, I would ask him this question:  Would you call your mother a terrorist?  Do you know how many mothers and grandmothers are involved in the Tea Party Movement of America?  From our research, we believe at least a million.  Most of them are white-haired, sweet women who knit, cook for their families and bake pies for sick friends.  They worked hard all their lives.  They took care of their families without asking you to do anything for them.  They sacrificed sons to fight your wars.  They set up organizations to help the military, the homeless and battered women.  They drove neighborhood children to soccer practice and they broke up fights between friends on the school yard.  They saved for their retirement and trusted the government to give back their Social Security benefits taken out of their paychecks all those years.  When they saw our country in financial ruin, they stood up to their government and said “Enough of that, boys.  We have to clean up this mess.”


Calling Grandma a terrorist is about as low as one can go, Joe.  If we lived in times when men were men, you would be taken to the woodshed for this behavior and then made to apologize.  The media would be standing in line to get their punishment too for inciting hate instead of reporting news as a real journalist would do.  The media would issue an apology and the one who called Grandma a terrorist would be suspended. 


The Tea Party is comprised of great American patriots who are deeply concerned about the welfare of our country and have a right to speak up about their concerns.  Just because you don’t like what they have to say doesn’t mean you resort to name-calling. 


As Obama said, “As a nation, we're founded on the belief that all of us are equal and each of us deserves the freedom to pursue our own version of happiness."  The Tea Party is pursuing a long held standard of American “entitlements” which are:  Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.   Too bad you are uncomfortable with these entitlements – they are ours and we plan to protect them.  Got that?


Children watch adults and imitate them.  Our children are watching you and what they are seeing is disgusting. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5xlaAkD15Gk


Here’s a thought:  How about being a better role model for the future generation.




First, it’s the right thing to do.


Second, real men apologize.


A sincere apology is in order.   The Tea Party Grandmas in America deserve nothing less.  We await your call.

Views: 464


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Comment by Jon Dehner on August 2, 2011 at 9:45am
Why would I want an insincere apology from someone (Biden) I don't respect in the first place?   The more names they call us, the more they show their true colors, and more American voters will take notice and turn out next November.   Last November was just a warmup.  The big show is next year.
Comment by Donna Selph on August 2, 2011 at 9:36am
Patricia, You and I and the rest of the Tea Party members know exactly who we are, and that we're anything but anarchists, but I truly believe that this is the way that the left views us. It is hard to believe how out of touch with reality that they truly are. It's as though the average American citizen as Billy referred to as Grandma is someone they don't know. Personally, I just don't get it.
Comment by Jim Ryan on August 2, 2011 at 9:36am
The Washington Times reports that Biden has collected $13,200 from the Secret Service since April to rent a cottage adjacent to his Wilmington, Del., home and continues to charge the agency rent. The Secret Service has agreed to pay $2,200 per month for use of the house in order to provide security to the Biden family, according to Edwin M. Donovan, special agent in charge at the Secret Service's Office of Government and Public Affairs in Washington.
(By the way, that's no discount on the rent--the Times reports that's the amount paid by the previous tenant.)
Some of the watchdog types interviewed by the Times questioned whether the agreement is appropriate, especially given Biden's deficit reduction leadership role. Leslie Paige, spokeswoman for Citizens Against Government Waste, said there's no question Biden deserves protection, "but this arrangement seems bizarre to me."
"You'd think the vice president, who shepherded the deficit committee, would think twice about charging the Secret Service rent. Why would he need the money? I don't get it."
The agency says it is a unique situation. "We don't pay rent to any other protectees," Donovan told The Ticket, but he added that the agency had wanted to be in close proximity to the vice president's house. Officials had been renting other properties in the area when Biden's cottage tenant moved out. So, the Secret Service reached out.
"The cottage was an existing rental property at the time the Secret Service signed its lease," Kendra Barkoff, press secretary for the vice president, informed the newspaper and wrote in an email to The Ticket.
Comment by Patricia M. McBride on August 2, 2011 at 9:32am

I would say what we have is a totally inappropriate use of the word terrorist.  Actually terrorists when defined has this as part of the definition: 

"An abiding characteristic is the indiscriminate use of violence against noncombatants for the purpose of gaining publicity for a group, cause, or individual.[9]". 

Comment by Patricia M. McBride on August 2, 2011 at 9:23am
Basically, we favor the constitution while the other side favors Positive Liberties.........or being told what we are allowing to do, think and say.
Comment by Patricia M. McBride on August 2, 2011 at 9:22am


Anarchism is a political philosophy with many heterogeneous and diverse schools of thought, united by a common opposition to compulsory government. Anarchist schools of thought are characterised by "the belief that government is both harmful and unnecessary", but may differ fundamentally, supporting anything from extreme individualism to complete collectivism.[1] The individualist wing of anarchism emphasises negative liberty, i.e. opposition to state or social control over the individual, while those in the collectivist wing emphasise positive liberty to achieve one's potential and argue that humans have needs that society ought to fulfill, "recognizing equality of entitlement".[2] Another distinction is that the social wing advocates market abolitionism and common ownership as a means to eliminate unequal economic power, and individualist anarchism is supportive of means of production being held privately, and in the case of the most prevalent strain of individualist anarchism, advocates that goods and services be distributed through markets.[3]
Comment by Patricia M. McBride on August 2, 2011 at 9:21am

I was cut off so here is the rest:

Anarchism is often considered to be a radical left-wing ideology,[9][10] and much of anarchist economics and anarchist legal philosophy reflect anti-statist interpretations of communism, collectivism, syndicalism or participatory economics. However, anarchism has always included an individualist strain supporting a market economy and private property, or morally unrestrained egoism.[11][12][13] Some individualist anarchists are also socialists or communists while some anarcho-communists are also individualists or egoists[14][15] while some anarcho-communists are also individualists.[16][17]

Comment by Patricia M. McBride on August 2, 2011 at 9:19am

Actually, anarchists, is a left wing ideology according to what I could find.  Imagine that?  At any rate, here is what I found, and part of it at least rings true in the we are for the free market system and individual liberty and responsibility............so I guess those who do the name calling are taking the other stance (wouldn't you say?) and that apparently includes Mr. McCain which certainly should not come as a surprise to anyone!  He was only a conservative during the election (yet again).


Anarchism is a political philosophy which considers the state undesirable, unnecessary, and harmful, and instead promotes a stateless society, or anarchy.[1][2] Anarchists seek to diminish or abolish authority in the conduct of human relations[3][4]. Anarchists widely disagree on what additional criteria are essential to anarchism. According to The Oxford Companion to Philosophy, "there is no single defining position that all anarchists hold, and those considered anarchists at best share a certain family resemblance."[5]

There are many types and traditions of anarchism, not all of which are mutually exclusive.[6] Anarchist schools of thought can differ fundamentally, supporting anything from extreme individualism to complete collectivism.[2] Strains of anarchism have been divided into the categories of social and individualist anarchism or similar dual classifications.

Comment by Shilrey Chipperfield on August 2, 2011 at 9:10am
Well said Billie.  I have never met more educated, articulate, sensible people than I have at The Tea Party.  Wish I could say the same for our elected officials.  Don't hold your breath waitng for an apology.
Comment by Donna Selph on August 2, 2011 at 9:00am
I just placed a call to Crenshaw's office in Washington and spoke with a young man by the name of John. He stated that he has received other calls regarding this issue and that the request for an apology will be forward to Crenshaw.

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Ponte Vedra, FL 32082

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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