Out here in America, we are watching the worst of the worst in our Nation’s capitol.  The debate between “both sides of the aisle” took a dive as our children watched adults scream, yell, throw fits and call the others names.  It was not just embarrassing; it was heartbreaking to realize thuggish teenagers were in charge of the greatest nation in the world.


Joe Biden, the media and all the other talking heads in DC have once again used bullying tactics instead of professional debating techniques in their negotiations.  Calling someone names is a sign of weakness and you think they would know that.  But again we think they should know a lot of things such as the rule of law and other simple things like that and they don’t.


We’ve been called ignorant, racists, hobbits and the most recent one – terrorists.  Their name calling would be considered bullying outside the bubble of DC.  (Fyi… – the American people are outside the DC bubble and when you speak words of hate, you send them to us wrapped up in hopelessness and frustration.)  The irony of all this is those who called Tea Party Members “terrorists” are the same ones who write speeches, pass legislation and create programs for anti-bullying campaigns.  For instance, did you know:

  1. The Federal government spends our tax dollars for special projects such as non-bullying videos and seminars.  Here is one example:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MJNKObWorm0&feature=watch_response 
  2. Congress passes hate crime legislation to ensure we all get along and are respectful of each other’s differences.  Bills are needed for that, you know.
  3. President Obama even called for civility in our Nation to remind us that our hopes and dreams are bound together.  See his speech here:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SMSVEyqMlg4
  4. Members of Congress spend time giving speeches about bullying from the House floor:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3u8-v2m1EAE
  5. President Obama and First Lady Michelle held a symposium on bullying where Obama said “As a nation, we're founded on the belief that all of us are equal and each of us deserves the freedom to pursue our own version of happiness."
  6. And even the media got behind the cause by hosting special events such as CNN’s “Stop Bullying: Speak Up.”
  7. And…Vice President Joe Biden said these words “the bullies are the inferior ones” in a non-bullying video posted at queerty.com.

In all their speeches, seminars and videos, they tell those who are being bullied to Stand Up and Tell Someone.  So here we are. 


The Tea Party Members in DC and out here in America are standing up and telling you that calling us names such as racists, hobbits and terrorists must stop and it must stop now.   Name calling is bullying and in the words of Vice President Biden, “you are the inferior ones” for using these tactics.


If Joe called me today, I would ask him this question:  Would you call your mother a terrorist?  Do you know how many mothers and grandmothers are involved in the Tea Party Movement of America?  From our research, we believe at least a million.  Most of them are white-haired, sweet women who knit, cook for their families and bake pies for sick friends.  They worked hard all their lives.  They took care of their families without asking you to do anything for them.  They sacrificed sons to fight your wars.  They set up organizations to help the military, the homeless and battered women.  They drove neighborhood children to soccer practice and they broke up fights between friends on the school yard.  They saved for their retirement and trusted the government to give back their Social Security benefits taken out of their paychecks all those years.  When they saw our country in financial ruin, they stood up to their government and said “Enough of that, boys.  We have to clean up this mess.”


Calling Grandma a terrorist is about as low as one can go, Joe.  If we lived in times when men were men, you would be taken to the woodshed for this behavior and then made to apologize.  The media would be standing in line to get their punishment too for inciting hate instead of reporting news as a real journalist would do.  The media would issue an apology and the one who called Grandma a terrorist would be suspended. 


The Tea Party is comprised of great American patriots who are deeply concerned about the welfare of our country and have a right to speak up about their concerns.  Just because you don’t like what they have to say doesn’t mean you resort to name-calling. 


As Obama said, “As a nation, we're founded on the belief that all of us are equal and each of us deserves the freedom to pursue our own version of happiness."  The Tea Party is pursuing a long held standard of American “entitlements” which are:  Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.   Too bad you are uncomfortable with these entitlements – they are ours and we plan to protect them.  Got that?


Children watch adults and imitate them.  Our children are watching you and what they are seeing is disgusting. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5xlaAkD15Gk


Here’s a thought:  How about being a better role model for the future generation.




First, it’s the right thing to do.


Second, real men apologize.


A sincere apology is in order.   The Tea Party Grandmas in America deserve nothing less.  We await your call.

Views: 464


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Comment by Robert Franco on August 2, 2011 at 2:25pm
I trust you're not holding your breath waiting for an apology.
Comment by Steve on August 2, 2011 at 1:58pm
This only goes to prove one thing. "Reform is NOT Possible"
Comment by Jim Ryan on August 2, 2011 at 1:57pm
John McCain was the endorsed candidate of the New York Times.  Huckabee cuts a deal with McCain in the West Virginia primary to give him his delegates to give McCain the inside track.  McCain loses and keeps his Senate seat, Huckabee gets a Fox show, and we get stuck with Obama.  Played by them and played by our own side.  Why?  Insatiable Ego's and zero brains.  If you were in a war with them in a fox hole you would have gotten a medal had you shot them.
Comment by Kate Svagdis on August 2, 2011 at 1:50pm

Today's message and word to the wise:

Aug 2 'The prophets are street preachers, living what  they preached. Do likewise!'

But as for me and my house we will serve the Lord.Josh 24:15


Feel good TEA-WE ARE the STREET PREACHERS!!!!!!!

Comment by Jim Ryan on August 2, 2011 at 1:39pm
The election money just contributed to Obama by Boehner and McConnell will go to teachers and then thru increased dues right back to Obama's campaign.  same thing with the "to big to fail" brokerage houses now conveniently Banks who will get more money during the next scheduled "crisis" and they will buy up the dow and S&P with money given to them at 0%, just like they did during this last run up and also buy T Notes @ 4% or higher - nice arbitrage there hey.  This will allow them to say the ecoinomy is showing a turnaround to a dimwitted media and public.  They will look at their IRA's and buy into the "give me 4 more years" the turnaround has started - just took a little longer than we had wanted.  Taxes will go up to accomplish the redistribution of wealtheven further although unemployment will remain high with the prospect during a second term of reaching 20% with joblessness looking like a depression.  The Wall Street Dem donors after receiving their 2nd installment payback for their political contributions will then be shafted and the market will tank.  End of capitalism completion of the Obama socialism agenda.  There's more bad but I need a break.
Comment by Doyle on August 2, 2011 at 1:38pm
Jim wrote about Republicans getting snookered into believing McCain could win in 2008.

We get snookered alright, Jim, but it wasn't in believng in McCain in any manner. Voting for him was a last ditch attempt -- futile as many knew -- to keep Obama out because by then his beliefs and past associates were undeniable. And we were stuck with McCain as the nominee.

Remember after McCain got the nomination how many people were so disgusted they said they weren't going to bother voting for president at all? I do because I was one of them. Until that morning when I'd voted in all the other races imagining Obama winning and what would happen, I held my nose and voted for The Great Compromiser.

Remember, too, how McCain's chances of winning the nomination were gone. He was out of money and his staff had quit. Then came his SURPRISE win in the New Hampshire primary. New Hampshire with its open primary system and same-day voter registration with out-of-towners allowed to vote based on their completion of an intent-to-reside statement?

We got snookered alright.
Comment by Davs Kenneth Harold on August 2, 2011 at 1:28pm
Apology  is not in order , remembering at election time is important. The inside the beltway "people" have become a special group. They are out of touch  with Real Americans like you and me.I have worked all od my life, age 12 through today, and will continue to work as long as God alows me to.Small buisness , long years of 7 day 14 plus hour days. The short day was Sunday, early service and a change of clothes, getting off at 6:pm , wow what a blessing. I come home with a tierd and smelly body, but a shower and family made that o.k., politicians ,well that is a different story. They [most of them] are "better" than the common working stiffs.Their time to leave Washington is coming ,and thanke to The Tea Partiers that will be soon. Diligence is required as our "enemy" is crafty. Ken Davis
Comment by Patricia M. McBride on August 2, 2011 at 1:00pm
Timothy, and the market is down.  So much for the debt ceiling increase being the reason for downward sprialing market.  Actually, it is the economy which is what Obama has been told over and over again.  He refuses to move off his ideological stand, but I suspect since the first meeting of today was with the unions behind closed doors, more help will come there way or at least an opportunity to launder some money for the Obama campaign.
Comment by Timothy G Sparks on August 2, 2011 at 12:55pm

I just checked to see how the real markets would react to this debt ceiling and the real money says NO.! Gold is up to record highs this afternoon 1642.00 an ounce. No confidence there. Looks like the Hobbits should have held out.

Comment by Jon Dehner on August 2, 2011 at 12:49pm
Right on, Jim.  I'm trying to imagine Rand Paul on a golf course with Obama.   The secret service probably wouldn't let him hold a club unless they had a human shield around the president.   Remember the budget deal last December?   One month after an historic sweep by the Republicans and the Republican "leadership" was behaving as if nothing had happened, as if the elections never even took place.  I think it's time for Boehner to work on his tan full time, and Mitch McConnell should join him.

National Debt Clock


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1205 Salt Creek Island Dr
Ponte Vedra, FL 32082

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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