21 Days until Nov 2: I am the Other Woman

Yesterday Meg Whitman, candidate for Governor of California, received a huge sucker punch from her opponent, Jerry Brown. He called her a dirty name that rhymes with “bore” (like him) and starts with a “w.” You would think the women would rally around Meg but oh how wrong you are.

The National Association for Women (NOW) threw their support to her opponent! Check out more about this story at http://hotair.com/archives/2010/10/09/now-endorses-brown-within-hou...

I grew up in the 60’s and graduated from high school in the early 70’s. NOW was established during my formative teenage years and their influence on my life was big. I loved that they wanted to free women from oppression in business, schools, the military, their conservative families and any other place where women were second class. Growing up without a mother and under the thumb of a strict father, I enjoyed listening to their ideas. I believed I would grow up to be like them and be free from the struggles of a teenage girl under the rule of a horribly conservative father!

That never happened. Instead my father’s roots deep inside of me kept me on a principled path of the Conservative Woman – the other women’s movement in America. The quiet movement – too quiet I might add!

The Other Women in America …

…watched as liberal women burned their bras and posed nude on beaches to express their freedoms

...continued to love their friends as they headed to abortion clinics to get rid of a problem in their life

…married her high school sweetheart while the liberal women experienced the sexual revolution with many partners

…waited to have their children until after marriage

…raised their children to understand rules and consequences

…went back to work and became successful women in the classroom, the office, or the boardroom

…kept quiet while her liberal friends made all the noise and eradicated the moral foundation of our country.

I am ashamed to call myself “the other woman” because I allowed the extreme-mean women to take over my country. Their voices were loud and I was busy and did not have time to respond to their sanctimonious words. I thought they would grow up and get a life but they didn’t. They became mean-spirited lobbyists, corrupt politicians and angry women.

Because I didn’t speak up, the world thought they represented me. They didn’t then, they don’t NOW and I’m sick of letting them have the podium.

Another example of extreme-mean women syndrome happened last Thursday. Emily’s List president, Stephanie Schriock went after House Minority Leader John Boehner in a speech to the Women’s National Democratic Club. She warned that the number of women in Congress might drop in November and “empower a party that believes women belong in the kitchen.”

Kathryn Lopez of National Review Online asked for a comment from us on Ms. Schriock’s claims. Here’s what we gave her:

“It’s not the number of women in Congress Ms. Schriock is really worried about. It’s the number of women with Nancy Pelosi’s behaviors that she wants to keep there. The women like Nancy are behind the liberal policies that have just about ruined this country.

And, contrary to what Ms. Schriock wants you to believe, women have become more involved in politics in the last two years than they ever have. The Tea Party Movement is a great example of this.

Women who were in the kitchen, on the soccer fields and in the boardrooms have stood up and said “Enough.”

These women are now challenging the other women to a different way of running our country. America’s women want a country that is financially sound and is safe from terrorism and attacks on our homeland.

Women want to be led by common sense and we are going to vote for that on Nov 2. And, by the way, a lot of those who will be heading to DC will be new women with those common sense ideas and they will be happy to collaborate with John Boehner on righting the country and securing Liberty for all.”

The Other Women in America are coming into their own. We may be viewed as crazy by the crazies on the left but they’ve had their time and it’s our time now.

Some action items for today:

1. WATCH: This tribute to The Other Women: The Rocking ladies of the Right. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36H8_gA_WUs&feature=fvw

2. THANK YOUR CONSERVATIVE FRIEND: Many conservatives have been sounding the alarm for a long time. Many of us ignored them. They deserve a “You Tried to Tell Us” acknowledgement. This will encourage them to continue the work they started.

3. SEND A MESSAGE: Let’s have some fun. Send Jerry Brown a bar of soap and tell him it’s not nice to use bad language. The Other Women raised their children better than that! Let his campaign office have some fun opening up packages of soap thinking they are getting checks for the campaign! Here’s the address: Brown for Governor 2010, 291 3rd St., Oakland, CA 94607

Views: 29


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Comment by Tracy on October 11, 2010 at 5:35pm
"Working girls are repsectable in comparision."

Now that's info only a John would know.
Comment by FCTP on October 11, 2010 at 1:36pm
John: You are wearing a skirt (and God I hope not) knock it off and get the heck out of this blog. We were talking about his name calling. Okay. End of story.
Comment by Paloma Patnode on October 11, 2010 at 12:31pm
Here, here!
Comment by Valerie Sawyer on October 11, 2010 at 11:36am
I've never understood why women have fought to be "equal" with men. I understand the need for equal pay for equal work, etc., but the idea of being treated the same as men is just beyond me. I like being a girl!!! I don't care that I throw like a girl, shoot like a girl, cry over sappy movies, love babies, etc. We can't be men - but they can't be us either! I have told my daughter, don't strive to be equal with men - we are so much better than that lol! Just kidding. I really respect men and they have a huge responsibility in this world, but so do women. Both sexes have been endowed with incredible abilities and responsibilities by our Creator. Instead of running from that, we should embrace it. The world would be such a better, much more balanced place!
Comment by FCTP on October 11, 2010 at 11:34am
John: So that is reason enough to call her a whore? Just asking.
Comment by Pam Pavlick on October 11, 2010 at 11:30am
I unfortunately joined NOW in hopes of helping the equal rights amendment passing. During this time I was interviewed for a position with Traveler's Insurance. When asked what associations I belonged to I admitted to being a memeber of NOW. Fortunately I got the position but 3 to 4 years later saw my interview evaluation which stated the interviewer thought I was approptriate for the position despite my being a member of NOW. Don't belong to the group any longer as it appears our goals for the American woman have vastly changed.
Comment by Marty Cleghorn on October 11, 2010 at 10:11am
This was an excellent piece and thanks for sharing it. I too grew up thinking NOW and groups like them were a good thing at the time - how far left they have become and in my opinion a largely irrelevant-to-real-life organization. It is really despicable that they continually remain silent on issues involving conservative women or do something stupid like endorsing Jerry Brown with no reservations. Let's hope the women of California step up to the plate.
Comment by Tracy on October 11, 2010 at 6:18am
Alex Sink has been endorsed by emily's list...No wonder she chose to keep that quiet.

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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