21 Days until Nov 2: I am the Other Woman

Yesterday Meg Whitman, candidate for Governor of California, received a huge sucker punch from her opponent, Jerry Brown. He called her a dirty name that rhymes with “bore” (like him) and starts with a “w.” You would think the women would rally around Meg but oh how wrong you are.

The National Association for Women (NOW) threw their support to her opponent! Check out more about this story at http://hotair.com/archives/2010/10/09/now-endorses-brown-within-hou...

I grew up in the 60’s and graduated from high school in the early 70’s. NOW was established during my formative teenage years and their influence on my life was big. I loved that they wanted to free women from oppression in business, schools, the military, their conservative families and any other place where women were second class. Growing up without a mother and under the thumb of a strict father, I enjoyed listening to their ideas. I believed I would grow up to be like them and be free from the struggles of a teenage girl under the rule of a horribly conservative father!

That never happened. Instead my father’s roots deep inside of me kept me on a principled path of the Conservative Woman – the other women’s movement in America. The quiet movement – too quiet I might add!

The Other Women in America …

…watched as liberal women burned their bras and posed nude on beaches to express their freedoms

...continued to love their friends as they headed to abortion clinics to get rid of a problem in their life

…married her high school sweetheart while the liberal women experienced the sexual revolution with many partners

…waited to have their children until after marriage

…raised their children to understand rules and consequences

…went back to work and became successful women in the classroom, the office, or the boardroom

…kept quiet while her liberal friends made all the noise and eradicated the moral foundation of our country.

I am ashamed to call myself “the other woman” because I allowed the extreme-mean women to take over my country. Their voices were loud and I was busy and did not have time to respond to their sanctimonious words. I thought they would grow up and get a life but they didn’t. They became mean-spirited lobbyists, corrupt politicians and angry women.

Because I didn’t speak up, the world thought they represented me. They didn’t then, they don’t NOW and I’m sick of letting them have the podium.

Another example of extreme-mean women syndrome happened last Thursday. Emily’s List president, Stephanie Schriock went after House Minority Leader John Boehner in a speech to the Women’s National Democratic Club. She warned that the number of women in Congress might drop in November and “empower a party that believes women belong in the kitchen.”

Kathryn Lopez of National Review Online asked for a comment from us on Ms. Schriock’s claims. Here’s what we gave her:

“It’s not the number of women in Congress Ms. Schriock is really worried about. It’s the number of women with Nancy Pelosi’s behaviors that she wants to keep there. The women like Nancy are behind the liberal policies that have just about ruined this country.

And, contrary to what Ms. Schriock wants you to believe, women have become more involved in politics in the last two years than they ever have. The Tea Party Movement is a great example of this.

Women who were in the kitchen, on the soccer fields and in the boardrooms have stood up and said “Enough.”

These women are now challenging the other women to a different way of running our country. America’s women want a country that is financially sound and is safe from terrorism and attacks on our homeland.

Women want to be led by common sense and we are going to vote for that on Nov 2. And, by the way, a lot of those who will be heading to DC will be new women with those common sense ideas and they will be happy to collaborate with John Boehner on righting the country and securing Liberty for all.”

The Other Women in America are coming into their own. We may be viewed as crazy by the crazies on the left but they’ve had their time and it’s our time now.

Some action items for today:

1. WATCH: This tribute to The Other Women: The Rocking ladies of the Right. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36H8_gA_WUs&feature=fvw

2. THANK YOUR CONSERVATIVE FRIEND: Many conservatives have been sounding the alarm for a long time. Many of us ignored them. They deserve a “You Tried to Tell Us” acknowledgement. This will encourage them to continue the work they started.

3. SEND A MESSAGE: Let’s have some fun. Send Jerry Brown a bar of soap and tell him it’s not nice to use bad language. The Other Women raised their children better than that! Let his campaign office have some fun opening up packages of soap thinking they are getting checks for the campaign! Here’s the address: Brown for Governor 2010, 291 3rd St., Oakland, CA 94607

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Comment by Tracy on October 14, 2010 at 6:50am
O.k. John I see you don't want to address my points and continually change the subject to something new so I'll address yours.This is from your own post on this board.

"And I used to be libertarian, you know kind of like Rand Paul, the guy who really energized this movement in the beginning. But not any more. I realize that libertarianism is no better than socialism, they both rely on people to do things that they are not likely to do."

I don't see in this sentence where you said anything about Rand running from his positions.And what has changed in the 2 months since you said you were a staunch libertarian?What I see here is you say you are no longer libertarian.Maybe your running from your positions.
After all you did state on this blog you're now an Indy voter.Which would answer the question of why a libertarian would agree with the protectionist policies of Alex Sink and her preferential contracts scheme that I had pointed out 2 months ago.
I also take exception to the opinion you stated that this movement was started solely by Ron Paul followers.This movement was started by every citizen (including paul voters) who got off their butts and decided they had had enough of the current situation.And no matter how much you may dislike it Ron Paul is registered as a republican.You just proved the point that I made in my earlier post about the tea parties use of the republican party to install their own candidates into an existing party without having to travel the useless 3rd party route.Since Ron Paul is a libertarian first and foremost he is obviously using the Republican label to his advantage to find a voice for his policies.Ditto for the tea party.
But back to my original subject,Maybe its time for you to really think about which positions you actually hold in politics before you harangue others.Your posts and opinions seem to vary from blog to blog but most times it seems they vary in such a way that allows you to come and lecture others here for not being "principled" or for not holding a "principled" enough stand.
Comment by Tracy on October 13, 2010 at 9:18pm
Changing the subject again?
On Ron Paul, isn't he a republican? The last time I checked it said that he was and said he has served 11 terms as such. And Rand Paul who you said you were like when you "used to be libertarian" is also listed as a republican. Does that mean that no one need "jump on their bandwagons" since they have used the republican party to represent them and get them where they need to be so they can have a voice and change how things get done?
Comment by Tracy on October 13, 2010 at 8:12pm
Thank you for the suggestion but I think you misunderstood my post.I meant
Really as in are you serious in this statement because I already asked/talked about this before ,not Really as in I didn't know he was around.
Comment by Tracy on October 13, 2010 at 7:09pm
"There is a libertarian candidate for governor also. Give him a look, good guy."

Really? Just 2 months ago when I asked why you were not supporting the libertarians candidate you said and I quote
"I would support Smith but he doesn't have a chance, I won't waste my vote"
Comment by Tracy on October 13, 2010 at 7:02pm
Thanks Patricia!!! She's my big love bug.:)
Comment by Tracy on October 13, 2010 at 6:57pm
John we're not talking about tax watch, and I did my homework on Sink which you know already BTW.
My purpose in calling you out here was on the inconsistency of your own statements and the fact that you ,with those inconsistencies ,are lecturing others on the same thing.
Both cases are about gubernatorial candidates and the choices facing voters.In both cases you have said that all the candidates are in some way flawed but in one race you say don't endorse anyone. In the other you have a firm stance to vote for one of the two "flawed" candidates who has the same connections you say you LOATHE in the candidate that you said no one should endorse(which BTW I'm still waiting to see the actual endorsement ,when I read the blog I kind of got the feeling the post was about women sticking up for one another against foul mouthed attacks,but that's just my take).
And I'm not singeling you out here. I stated the same to another poster here as well.
And although I usually don't take the bait and get diverted to other issues this statement was just too rich...

"Tea Party has become a full fledged partner of the Republican party, supporting their candidates no matter. "
I have to LOL on that one... After the screaming that the republican cocktail party elites did when Tea party candidates all over the country soundly defeated the Repubs crusty big guv candidates... Really John , you have got to be kidding.
If anything the reason for the support of repub candidates is because we have USED their existing party to establish our candidates in.Some races we've won others not.But where we have won it hasn't gone over to well with them ,think about the hissy fit Rove threw over Odonnell, and Mike Castles refusal to even congratulate her,and the pathetic Murkowski write in campaign after Joe Miller creamed her in the primary,(I still get a good laugh off of that one.)And thats not even mentioning the stupididty that went on here in Florida with the Good ol boy network,who chose Flip Flop Crist right out of the gate without even bothering to ask or wait for the voters input.In case you've forgotten the repubs didn't want Rubio.They wanted their "Choo choo" Charlie to be coronated Senator.The tea party and other citizens stepped in and and made sure Rubio got his chance on the ballot and when that happened Charlie "the tan" Crist dropped them and began his " independent" run. And then the cocktail set made sure that the long primary season ended in one of the ugliest mudslinging campaigns I've ever seen in Florida. I'm pretty sure those good ol boys/(and girls) in the repub party would love to see us go away just as much as the dems.

Also OT but when did you go Indy? The last time we had a debate you said you were solidly libertarian.
Comment by Patricia M. McBride on October 13, 2010 at 5:45pm
Actually, no John, "here we go making calls for the republicans isn't really true". Those were listed as a courtesy, to my knowledge, just as they would probably list the Florida Tax Watch meetings or events and if you look, you will see other groups events listed as well. You are just mad cause you came on here to talk people into voting for a democrat who has the same exact political philosophy we are fighting against. She fully intends, to be sure, to redistrict so that only democrats can win seats and has already tried to convince people they need to get rid of those corrupt all conservative judges on the supreme court of Florida so she can pad the court in such a way that there is no separation of power. She has put commercials on television that are nothing short of bald faced lies and she knows it (gee too bad the press refused to put all those horrid ads against Rove,the Chamber of Commerce etc because when asked they said they couldn't prove what they said and it was up to the other party to prove it wasn't true...............your buddy Alex probably feels much the same way only she got away with getting the lies on television with the financial help of her good bud Obama). So, you will vote for a real winner and hopefully, I will never meet you after this woman robs all the older people in the state blind so she can continue the Obama legacy of throwing money to unions at the expense of the rest of us. She is a slime ball and if people are foolish enough to believe her, they deserve what they get..............the problem is, just like Obama those of us who didn't vote for the communist in the white house don't deserve his crapola.
Comment by Patricia M. McBride on October 13, 2010 at 2:20pm
Tracy, your puppy is gorgeous. I love her or him; just too cute!

that said, I seem to have popped in earlier to a discussion in process and John, you have done this before as I recall. I would not and could not possibly vote for a progressive (ie Socialist) democrat. They are what is wrong with Washington, and I sure as h don't want one running the state I live in and most especially not this lilly livered wimpy woman with the equally wimpy lilly livered husband who also failed to get the governorship. At this time, and througout the campaign, she can only tell you what someone else does wrong and nothing about what her plan is (hmmmm sound familiar?) or let on how thick as theives she is with Obama (he can be her Bill Ayers)........no she will let that all come as a surprise to us all when she implements every single one of his programs and taxes the H out of each and every one of us. The dems want Florida and Texas and their folks have been working us over pretty good between all those amendments they got petitions for and got on the ballot to the EPA water thing and money help for this governor bid, Obama fundraising here, and her slamming Scott. I mean it's not that Obama hasn't already done a pretty good job on him and don't think I don't know that Scott has an ax to grind with Obama in a big way over the health care bill ..... so at least I know he and I are on the same page as far as health care goes, and unlike Sink, Scott isn't going to change his mind or start giving our money to unions along with pay raises and anything else she can reward them with that Obama hasn't already. No thank you; no big spending for life politicians.
Comment by Tracy on October 13, 2010 at 1:01pm
"I just said that as a matter of character, Rick Scott is unacceptable to me, still is"

Not intially you didn't. You said "I encourage everyone to consider Alex Sink"
Then you went on to say more glowing things about Alex and then you went on to say what you thought of Scott.
You also went on to say this about the union asscociations of Alex"You attempt to identify Ms. Sink by listing those who support her, AFL-CIO, FEA, "
Essentially you were telling me that Sinks union associations should be overlooked even if it does look bad on her, and I should not try and identify her with such endorsements,BUT then here on this blog you have bashed this candidate for hers.Kind of contadictory isn't it?

"To think that Democratic candidates are going to stop courting union votes is ridiculous, I don't spend time trying to make that an issue, it is their constituency"

But John you called it "a pox on both houses " which leads me to believe that you are against this sort of thing for ALL candidates,but then again you make the contradictory statement above.So on the one hand you say you hate these policies but on the other hand you are willing to excuse it for one party and even go so far as to ask fellow tea party members to support a democrat here in Florida who supports the policies you say your against.

Another inconsistancy here is that you are on this blog lecturing others on how being partisan gives you no choices but yet you have chosen to vote for someone who you think can win (Sink) instead of making a stand on what you say you believe.(Remember,Smith was a wasted vote according to you)

I don't have grievence with everything you've said here on this blog, I don't think we should hand out endorsements like candy either.
I'm simply pointing out some huge inconsisitancies in your posts and in Tamara's here on these blogs.

And P.S. I'm not worried about the Republicans because as this election cycle has shown we can REPLACE their big guv candidates with our own candidates and take over their party from the ground up.(case in point the epic and much deserved defeat of big guv Repub Murkowski in Alaska)
Comment by Patricia M. McBride on October 13, 2010 at 12:52pm
John, you may not like Rick Scott, but I can guarantee you that when Ms Sink starts showing her true Obama supporter colors, you will wish you had him (if he doesn't get elected). You surely know more about the Scott situation than your post lets on or at least I hope you do. I don't think FCTP is supporting the republican party; it is simply supporting 3 candidates that meet the criteria of our group who happen to be republicans. There is a huge difference although you clearly don't see it, I don't think.

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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