Andrew Jackson’s statue was just moved to a new spot in downtown Jacksonville. His statue sat on a lonely side road near the river for many years and just recently he was moved to a new, costly roundabout. (Debate here about why we spent money like that during times like these but that’s another story.)
He looks pleased with his new home and it really is a better spot for him. He deserved a little more attention than the side road was giving him.
Andrew also sits proudly on a $20 bill. Take one out and look at him if you have one in your wallet. His narrow chin and high forehead show a proud man who led our country in many tough battles. He was known as “Old Hickory” on the battlefield because of his toughness and ability to withstand the harshness of war. He was a national hero in the War of 1812.
Jackson received the most in popular votes for President in 1824. However, the Electoral votes were split four ways and the election was decided by the House of Representatives. They chose John Quincy Adams and there was a feeling with the people that something corrupt had happened.
He ran again for President in 1828 and defeated Adams. During the campaign he was called a “jackass” by Adam and his campaign team. This was the first recorded “dirty word” in a campaign…even though for some reason, Andrew liked it!
Not much has changed except the “bad language” is getting worse and the campaigns are too. We’ve heard a lot about campaigns calling opponents names that you cannot even say on television. If Andrew Jackson were campaigning today, he might run for cover and wish he was fighting the War of 1812 again instead of the Campaign War of 2010.
Andrew was not a perfect man and he had many faults. He did stand on his beliefs and principles and achieved the following as President:
· He is the only president in United States history to have paid off the national debt. (You go Andy!!)
· Was instrumental in getting rid of the Second National Bank which he felt:
· Put too much strength into one single financial institution (heading there again?)
· Would open the government to control by foreign interests (no kidding!)
· Created a system that controlled members of Congress (he was right again!)
· Made the rich richer and the poor poorer (ditto!)
· Favored the north over the south and west (???)
Yes it would be fun to have Andrew Jackson back with us in today’s environment. I believe he just might want to take an old hickory stick to our backsides and send us to our rooms to consider the ills of our ways.
In honor of Andrew Jackson let’s do the following as our Citizen Activity today:
· DONATE: Send a Jackson ($20 bill) to your favorite conservative candidate now.
· WATCH: A video from the History channel about Andrew Jackson.
· FORWARD: This link to everyone in your database and ask them to contribute a Jackson to their favorite conservative candidate too.
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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