2 Days Until the 2nd: The Terrible Twos

When my kids were little, there was a short-lived TV show about a dinosaur family. It was called "The Dinosaurs." We allowed the kids to watch it and candidly, I think I enjoyed it more than they did. The baby dinosaur was my favorite character. Baby always said “Gotta love me” and knew he was cute and lovable. He loved his Momma and called Daddy – “Not the Momma.” He was caught in his terrible twos for the run of the show and he displayed those characteristics well!

Everyone knows what two year old behavior looks like:

  • They are rigid, inflexible, want exactly what they want, when they want it. They do not adapt well and they hate to wait. They want everything NOW!
  • They are extremely domineering and demanding. They must give the orders and they must make all the decisions.
  • They are extremely emotional and everything is dramatic.
  • Everything is extreme. They cannot make clear cut choices and stick to it.
  • Another characteristic of this is age is preservation – that is, the children want to go on and on with whatever they are doing.

Now, read that again. Doesn’t it sound like the liberals in Washington, DC and in politics today?

We have been dealing with a bunch of two year olds who have had the run of our House and they have made a mess of it.

When the Dinosaur family could not take Baby’s two year old behavior anymore, they decided to tell him it was his birthday and he was now three. Check out their attempt to get rid of Baby’s 2-year-old behavior.


We are throwing a party on the 3rd too after we put those two year olds in Congress in a time out for good!

Two year olds can be different when they are raised in the right way. The right way means:

  • Setting boundaries
  • Holding them responsible for their behaviors
  • Teaching them about their heritage
  • Giving them opportunities to grow and develop as great American patriots

Do not be discouraged. There are a lot of wonderful new Patriot “two year olds” out there and they are on the “right” side. Our job is to vote them IN on November 2nd. See for yourself this adorable two year old who gives us all hope for the future.

Views: 37


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Comment by Linda Reynolds on October 31, 2010 at 2:37pm
WOW! Dedicated parents here! this has so much more PUNCH than the "Itsy Bitsy spider"
Comment by Raymond Espinosa on October 30, 2010 at 10:06am
That young man has my vote! If he can remember and recite the Gettysburg Address he should remember who put him in office, unlike our 2 year old politicos presently in office.

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First Coast Tea Party
1205 Salt Creek Island Dr
Ponte Vedra, FL 32082

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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