Patricia M. McBride's Blog (2,000)

MacIver News Service: Speaker’s Suggestion that Protesters Start Urinating on GOP Lawmakers Draws Applause, Laughter at Fighting Bob Fest

I believe that Obama has brought about these types of actions by his constant harping on class warfare and should be charged for sedition.  His support groups have been shown to be involved in some of the actions and this group is stated as a group of progressives (and we all know that is the new word for communist (now that liberal is a dirty word with people).  I have taken the liberty of looking up what defines sedition and am posting it here before the article: …


Added by Patricia M. McBride on September 19, 2011 at 8:51am — No Comments

Liberty News: “Occupy Wall Street” – A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing?

This article indicates about 5,000 showed up for this, but the article I read that linked me to this one said that many people thought this was something put on by a tea party group and showed up for that...........when they realized it was not a tea party event, but something totally different, they left.  Now there are, as another article I posted says, about 1,000 people left.  This article is a MUST READ as it lays out the goals and the people involved in this movement.  I…


Added by Patricia M. McBride on September 19, 2011 at 8:31am — No Comments

Bloomberg: Tensions Escalate As Riot Police Surround Occupy Wall Street Protestors Refusing To Disperse

Interesting and in case anyone wondered, the media refused to cover this event.  We can thank Mr. Obama and his constant class warfare for this and many of his other divisive comments.  At any rate, I hadn't thought about this proposed protest at all until late yesterday afternoon, and then, found an article indicating they had indeed gathered and according to this article, they wanted 20,000 to set up camp but got around 1,000 people to show up (and from the pictures, they are…


Added by Patricia M. McBride on September 19, 2011 at 8:10am — No Comments

American Thinker: Michelle Obama and the Muslim Brotherhood

It just never ends with the Obamas.  They are deeply involved with this Muslim Brotherhood affiliated group plus they are using President Bush's faith based initiative (which Bush put together thinking local groups would be less expensive) for targeting new people to get onto welfare.  Ms. Toplansky also thinks we should be prepared, because she expects this whole Obama situation is going to be FAR worse than what everyone has been able to find me what we know…


Added by Patricia M. McBride on September 18, 2011 at 5:30pm — No Comments

CFP: Obama’s ‘Jobs Bill’ Makes ACORN Eligible for $15 Billion in Taxpayer Money

This should make everyone's blood boil.  Time for the Obama re-election campaign, so he would like the tax payers pay for folks to go out and get fraudulent voter registrations again!  This makes me absolutely ill; how dare he.


The community organizing pigs again line up to feast at the taxpayers' trough.


Here’s the top of my new (and inaugural) piece at…


Added by Patricia M. McBride on September 17, 2011 at 2:43pm — No Comments

Godfather Politics: Teacher Ordered to Remove ‘Religious’ Banners After Nearly 30 Years

I wonder if their testbooks (at this school) for other courses, they have the "30" pages about the religion of peace while ignoring American history and our founding documents as they do in many schools these days.  It seems these liberal wack jobs (including the judge (please go read his findings and you will wonder) are not going to be totally happy until we are truly creating useful idiots who are incapable of anything that requires independent thought or reasoning.  During…


Added by Patricia M. McBride on September 16, 2011 at 3:29pm — No Comments

Conservative Examiner: Another top expert rejects the left's war on science

Real scientists apparently are dropping like flies on this subject.  They see it for what it is...........A SCAM.



Robert Moon

, Conservative Examiner

September 16, 2011

A leading climate expert has…


Added by Patricia M. McBride on September 16, 2011 at 1:12pm — 2 Comments

Agenda 21 Today

The Pan Handle Patriots discovered on just about every trip to Tallahassee that many of our legislators didn't understand what tea party members were even talking about when they said something was "agenda 21", so they have put an educational web site together called "".  They will be offering courses and training for folks that will enable them to talk to legislators about agenda 21 in a way that informs them and lets them know of the threat of agenda 21.  After…


Added by Patricia M. McBride on September 16, 2011 at 8:52am — No Comments

Obama's Backdoor Amnesty Decree Exceeds His Constitutional Authority; please contact your congressman

Barack Obama has gone too far. He's exceeded his constitution authority one too many times.

"Only Congress has constitutional authority to establish U.S. immigration policy, and fundamental reform requires legislative action. Thus the administration’s recent announcement that deportation will be sought only for undocumented immigrants who have committed crimes in the United States violates the separation of powers…


Added by Patricia M. McBride on September 16, 2011 at 6:46am — No Comments

ALIPAC: College Bubble Update: Default Rates on Student Loans Soar to 15%

 And why is this important to know?  Well, as we all remember, interest on these loans or at least part of it, is supposed to be one of the funding sources for Obamacare.  Just another nitch in the house of cards this president has created.  But, it is worse news that these young people are unemployed at such a high rate and can't make the payments on their student loans, and it is also sad for the parents of these young people who are seeing their money stretched even tighter…


Added by Patricia M. McBride on September 16, 2011 at 4:00am — 4 Comments

TU: Rick Perry holds early lead over Mitt Romney in T-U presidential poll

Times Union ran a poll and Perry won handily.  One of the the things that really catches your eye and 67.2% of Perry's votes are from 18 to 29 year old while Romney got no votes from this age group!  Interesting.  Follow the link for the article associated with the graphs!


Posted: September 15, 2011



Added by Patricia M. McBride on September 15, 2011 at 6:22pm — No Comments

Veil Of Politics: Rothschild’s Minions : Lenin, Obama, & Sun Yat Sen ~ The Gang Of Counterfeiters!

This is very scary and would appear to be exactly what Obama is doing.  Why oh why are people so believing of this horrid, horrid man in the white house.  And now, Bernanke might almost be afraid of Perry and suspect Obama has thought about the word treason a time or two as well (at least I hope he has since he and Bernanke are in this together).


Yes, in 1917 Rothschild financed…


Added by Patricia M. McBride on September 15, 2011 at 9:57am — No Comments

FOX: U.S. Consumer Prices Jump 0.4% In August

Not exactly good news for folks who are already pretty strapped.  Our dollar has lost yet more of it's puchasing power!


By Jeffry Bartash

Published September 15, 2011

| MarketWatch Pulse…


Added by Patricia M. McBride on September 15, 2011 at 9:13am — No Comments

FOX: NY Manufacturing Activity Contracts for Fourth Straight Month

More bad news.


Published September 15, 2011 

| Reuters

A gauge of manufacturing in…


Added by Patricia M. McBride on September 15, 2011 at 9:07am — No Comments

FOX: Jobless Claims Rise Again -- 428K Weekly First-Time Benefits Requests

The temporary public union jobs created in the jobs bill will not fix this and neither will tax considerations.  What this country needs is stability and an actual plan for the future.  It also needs less regulation and the complete repeal of the health care bill.  Obama is not going to make the changes needed to create the environment needed for job creation!



Added by Patricia M. McBride on September 15, 2011 at 9:00am — No Comments

Politico: New York special election loss played down by White House


Added by Patricia M. McBride on September 15, 2011 at 8:07am — No Comments

Galen Institute: Obama's Strategy of Silence

The high court needed to review this and make a finding.  Allowing it to be even partically implemented, given the 2014 (after the election) parts of it are disasterous for most people and our country can't afford to have those who are getting the "free stuff" get hooked on this nightmare health care bill. 


Grace-Marie Turner

The American Specator, September 2011

September 13, 2011
The White House is…

Added by Patricia M. McBride on September 15, 2011 at 7:56am — No Comments

ABC News: Fact Check: Did Rick Perry Double Texans’ Taxes?

In the event you don't want to read the whole article, the answer to the question is:  No, Ron Paul's taxes did not double but his home value did ........  perhaps that was what he meant to say??  Who knows, but his actual taxes wehnt up by 23% last year on a home that has increased in value from $150,000 to $300,000.  The property taxes in Texas have gone up about 29% in the last decade.


Sep 14, 2011 11:36am

The Republican presidential debate started to look more like…


Added by Patricia M. McBride on September 15, 2011 at 7:44am — No Comments

Stand w/Arizona: Fast and Furious’ Explodes: Brian Terry Cover-Up, White House Emails Revealed

Another nail in the coffin for this administration.  Taken individually, each of the events of late, might not be quite a horrendous, but taken as a whole, this administration needs to go far sooner than January 2013.  This president and all his little friends need to go now and be sent to jail.


John Hill

Stand With Arizona

The disastrous Obama Administration operation “Fast and…


Added by Patricia M. McBride on September 15, 2011 at 7:39am — No Comments

The Hill: White House Scrambles To Eclipse GOP’s Attack On Its Shady Loan To Obama Donor-Owned Solyndra

This is, obviously, another very bad idea by the man in the oval office at the white house probably suggested by his communist advisors!


By Andrew Restuccia - 09/14/11 05:43 PM ET 

Republicans blasted Obama administration officials Wednesday for green-lighting a $535 million loan guarantee to Solyndra, a now-bankrupt California…


Added by Patricia M. McBride on September 15, 2011 at 7:34am — No Comments

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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