I fear this is going to happen on a regular basis in the next election. We may be electing what we think are republicans, but they really won't be. Certainly something to watch for.
February 14, 2012
By Javier Manjarres…
ContinueAdded by Patricia M. McBride on February 15, 2012 at 8:45am — No Comments
This woman packed a nice lunch from what I read, and certainly the turkey and cheese sandwich sounds a whole lot better for someone than chicken nuggets. This is Ms Obama interferring with someone's child and now, we have the food police in our school system. Time for more people to consider home schooling it would appear. I can't visualize this being something the federal government has a right to do at all.
February 14, 2012…
ContinueAdded by Patricia M. McBride on February 15, 2012 at 7:46am — 2 Comments
We are hearing more and more of federal agents getting involved in shutting down folks who provide "real" food that has not been altered or added to, and it is of major concern to me since we are hearing so much about some of the food we are being told is safe not being safe. And that they used aliases to snoop into people's personal comments about their supplier of raw milk. What else are they doing????
Added by Patricia M. McBride on February 15, 2012 at 7:30am — No Comments
Interesting article. I think it is wrong as long as this president is a one term president. I think businesses will hit the road running in preparation for the new president taking office on 1/20/2013 as long as they know it will not be Obama. I think getting things turned around won't be as fast as it might have been but for the policies of this president (I use that term loosely when referring to his highness). I am not an economist, but I am remembering some things some of…
ContinueAdded by Patricia M. McBride on February 14, 2012 at 6:30pm — No Comments
It is time for this to happen. It is time to begin doing something else as this is not a good situation for the taxpayers. I remember at least one instance where a second "handout" was given to Everbank even though there was a discussion about Everbank never meeting the conditions of the first "handout". How does that work for the taxpayers when we run a deficit every year and we are handing out tax dollars to corporations that don't need the money????? We need to stop doing…
ContinueAdded by Patricia M. McBride on February 14, 2012 at 7:34am — No Comments
The misuse of millions of dollars and no oversight for any of it, and these folks want to blame it on cuts in budgets? How does that work anyway? Who chose the folks to cut? They cut compliance when they should have been cutting some where else perhaps for less crucial positions?
Agency blames problems on budget cuts, but city says it missed the point.
Added by Patricia M. McBride on February 14, 2012 at 7:23am — No Comments
With the number of people having the air conditioning units salvaged for the copper in them, I think the bill needed some teeth (along with all the other related pieces of city property that tax payers have to pay for a second or maybe 3rd or 4th time when theives steal them). I know it isn't the fault of the scrap companies, but in a way it is if they don't really stay on top of who repeatedly brings in such things for scrap.
ContinueAdded by Patricia M. McBride on February 14, 2012 at 7:17am — No Comments
This is the second time I have seen something about this in the same number of days. I will post the article/commentary, but I will also find the video, so you can see visually what these folks are doing to young children. One wonders if we did this for Bush, Clinton or any of the other presidents or is the tyrant the only one? I will give you the links from the 912 site first and then, there is an article below that:…
ContinueAdded by Patricia M. McBride on February 13, 2012 at 5:47pm — No Comments
Many of you already know Tom DeWeese and know he is a reputable source for information. This is more about agenda 21 and some of the actions being taken right down to the repairman you call for your water heater. It is a shameful attack on our liberty, and we need to begin to fight back if we are to win the battle.
Added by Patricia M. McBride on February 13, 2012 at 12:30pm — No Comments
Small wonder after Ms. Ginsburg's remarks in Egypt. Too bad we can't send her to South Africa. We cannot under any circumstances allow Obama to be re-elected as I believe our supreme court depends on someone else being in the white house in 2013 or we may have more Ginsburgs on the court.
February 11, 2012…
Added by Patricia M. McBride on February 13, 2012 at 10:02am — 1 Comment
Because we have a president who has zero experience and has never really held a job and does not for even 1/2 second understand our economy, he believes that everyone will still be earning what they earn now, and raising taxes to the point of almost taking everything someone earns will net him more money to blow. His theory does not take into account human nature which means he will not only not get more tax money from people, he will get less than he gets now, since people will…
ContinueAdded by Patricia M. McBride on February 13, 2012 at 10:00am — No Comments
I should also say this article appeared in Forbes as well. We all know that unemployment really isn't dropped, but we also know the numbers are being manipulated to make it look like it is and make it look like the economy is improving (so Obama can get, heaven help us, re-elected).
This column by ACRU General Counsel and Senior Fellow for the Carleson Center for Public Policy (CCPP) Peter Ferrara was published February 9, 2012 on…
ContinueAdded by Patricia M. McBride on February 13, 2012 at 9:57am — No Comments
This is about confiscation of private property and part of Agenda 21. Please read the article (it is older but contains the explanation) which explains the bill currently before our congress at this time. This is from a tea party friend down in Texas.
Added by Patricia M. McBride on February 13, 2012 at 9:01am — 1 Comment
Added by Patricia M. McBride on February 13, 2012 at 9:00am — 43 Comments
Well, I know we will all be relieved about this information. I didn't have much doubt, but given the police have given some folks a hard time of late, I wondered.
Ken Paulsen, president and CEO of the First Amendment Center, wrote in USA Today that “just as police officers use…
ContinueAdded by Patricia M. McBride on February 12, 2012 at 8:58am — No Comments
The American people need to stand up to these folks or the next thing you know, you won't have any rights left at all and will be slaves which I believe is the plan. Mr. Obama truly thinks he is that special and the level of arrogance is certainly obvious. He is not servant of the people; he sees himself as something entirely different.
Added by Patricia M. McBride on February 12, 2012 at 7:57am — No Comments
I am not really sure I am happy they are spending more money this year than last year and not sure Governor Scott will be pleased either.
Submitted by Matt Dixon on February 10, 2012 - 9:25pm PolitiJax
Added by Patricia M. McBride on February 11, 2012 at 12:11pm — No Comments
Apparently, this is to nip the lawsuits in the bud? If the court approves the maps, they are approved and lawsuits are over I would think (since approval will say approval of current maps which should mean they are not likely to change their minds).
Submitted by Matt Dixon on February 10, 2012 - 7:50pm…
ContinueAdded by Patricia M. McBride on February 11, 2012 at 12:04pm — No Comments
This will be interesting as I don't know how much more in favor of the democrats they can make these maps and still give republicans a fighting chance of holding office, but apparently, the democrats (times 2 since the voter rights group has a liberal sound to it as well) don't think they have enough as yet since they are one of the parties filing suit! Since we still have all the gerrymandered districts, what good were amendments 5 and 6 which we foolishly thought would get rid…
ContinueAdded by Patricia M. McBride on February 11, 2012 at 12:01pm — No Comments
Time to take a very close look at these choices I would think and make sure they don't have any baggage we are not hearing about?
A law school professor and a mortgage service executive have been named to seats on Jacksonville's Ethics Commission.
Cynthia Irvin was appointed this week by Chief Circuit Judge Donald R. Moran Jr. A week earlier, Public Defender Matt Shirk appointed Joe Jacquot, senior vice president for government affairs at…
ContinueAdded by Patricia M. McBride on February 11, 2012 at 12:00pm — No Comments
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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