You gotta love this. Crist doesn't even realize he bailed when things looked bad, and Governor Scott took the up the challenge of dealing with a massive economic meltdown......................and succeeded and turning the tide for us. This whiny poor little me stuff is so like something Crist would do and all those things we have researched and found to be bad for us and our state are the very things he wants to ram down our throats.…
ContinueAdded by Patricia M. McBride on January 17, 2014 at 8:34am — No Comments
Added by Patricia M. McBride on January 17, 2014 at 8:26am — No Comments
When a group comprises only 13% of the total population, of course politically there will still be more white politicians than black politicians. It will be more or less representative of the politcal views of those who vote and with a smaller percentage of the population being black, less blacks will be running for office. It does not mean that whites and hispanics do not vote for blacks, because we do and have. They have to be of the same beliefs…
ContinueAdded by Patricia M. McBride on January 16, 2014 at 7:00am — No Comments
Another senator spouting off without a clue and scaring people who don't know any more than he does into believing he does know something..................I wish Dr. Fulks had been attending the event and actually said what his comments say. Please read what this Dr. of Physics has to say about global warming and the ignorance of Senator Merkley.
Added by Patricia M. McBride on January 12, 2014 at 9:23am — No Comments
Added by Patricia M. McBride on January 12, 2014 at 8:42am — No Comments
Probably not too generous of me, but I am doing my happy dance about this. I can't think of anyone, except perhaps Obama, who might be more deserving of losing total support from the very people who helped get him elected. I don't know about you, but I no longer have one bit of respect for John McCain.
January 12, 2014
U.S. Sen. John McCain, R-Ari., is frequently characterized by his critics as a “RINO” — Republican in name…
ContinueAdded by Patricia M. McBride on January 12, 2014 at 7:45am — No Comments
Justice Sotomayor is now a supreme court justice. As often happens, when a judge (and in this case a non judge appointee) goes onto the court, they are looked at initially as pawns of the administration who put them there (in this case, Obama), but once they get there, they realize the unbelievable importance and significance (historical and otherwise) of the position they have been entrusted with, and truly become worthy of their title. Let us hope, her decisions in the future…
ContinueAdded by Patricia M. McBride on January 12, 2014 at 7:40am — No Comments
This letter was written by a young mother who insurance was canceled and her unsuccessful attempts to replace the insurance with something she could afford. The damage done to these young people and the mental anguish they suffer and have suffered is not excusable. Only someone totally detached who didn't care one bit about the people of this country could allow something like this to happen over and over and not care. We are now at about 2 million enrollees for Obamacare, but…
ContinueAdded by Patricia M. McBride on January 5, 2014 at 12:00pm — No Comments
Added by Patricia M. McBride on January 5, 2014 at 11:48am — No Comments
We are losing Iraq after so many died to free them from radicals, and these fools are doing this instead of doing their actual jobs.......................
Would you rather sip on unpasteurized milk or a cold glass of soda? Do you…
Added by Patricia M. McBride on January 5, 2014 at 11:45am — No Comments
Added by Patricia M. McBride on January 5, 2014 at 11:30am — No Comments
Added by Patricia M. McBride on January 1, 2014 at 9:35am — No Comments
Before leaving on his 17-day …
ContinueAdded by Patricia M. McBride on December 27, 2013 at 9:05am — 2 Comments
As much as I like Ben Carson, I simply could not vote for him for president, because of his stance on the second amendment. He doesn't want to take away our 2nd amendment rights, but he thinks of guns pretty much as he thinks of cars (but no one uses a car to protect their family or their property nor can a car be used to fight back against a bunch of tyrants in our government..............which we currently have and those folks are on both sides of the…
ContinueAdded by Patricia M. McBride on December 27, 2013 at 8:30am — No Comments
Well, the timing certainly seems odd (but these liberals seem to like to do anything they can to ruin the Christmas spirit). Interesting that they feel compelled to protect themselves against the American people instead of the foreign entities the federal government was formed to protect the country against in a uniform overall manner. Perhaps the abysmal approval numbers of most of the DC crowd have given them pause (and instead of changing their mode of operation, they choose…
ContinueAdded by Patricia M. McBride on December 16, 2013 at 8:15am — No Comments
Added by Patricia M. McBride on December 14, 2013 at 6:01pm — No Comments
Yesterday, the state of Florida pre-filed for a convention of the states to be held. We need many more states, and hopefully, they will come forward. You may wish to sign up for updates and information from this web site which is tracking progress on this issue and also provides much needed information.
ContinueAdded by Patricia M. McBride on December 11, 2013 at 6:37am — No Comments
For those who did not watch even parts of this hearing, we all need to know what constitutional experts had to say about what is going on right now with this administration and the dangers to our very way of life and form of government. These experts were both conservatives and liberals, and their message is one we should all take notice of. It makes it very important for the states to stand up and take notice and I think they have as we now have had a meeting of…
ContinueAdded by Patricia M. McBride on December 11, 2013 at 6:33am — No Comments
You only just think you have been angry and upset before. This will take you to a whole new level. This is called "promoting a religion" and considering we don't allow Christians to enjoy their Christmas holiday without harassing them, I find it well beyond appalling. To think the federal government or should I say the resident dictator in the white house thinks he can wave a magic wand and indoctrinate all the children in the country in an effort to convert…
ContinueAdded by Patricia M. McBride on December 8, 2013 at 1:32pm — No Comments
This is not a joke, but be seated when you read what this communist dictator is trying to pull now.
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
WASHINGTON, December 4, 2013 — How far will President Obama go to control what we see and hear? How about removing First Amendment protections from FOX News or even from MSNBC, ABC, CNN, CBS or NBC. Maybe no free speech or freedom of the press for The Washington Times nor The…
ContinueAdded by Patricia M. McBride on December 7, 2013 at 11:43am — No Comments
If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets. It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists.
You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…
ContinuePosted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am
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