Veterans For A Strong America

Event Details

Veterans For A Strong America

Time: January 26, 2012 from 1pm to 3pm
Location: University of North Florida, University Center, Grand Banquet Hall
City/Town: Jacksonville
Website or Map:…
Event Type: education
Organized By: Joel Arends
Latest Activity: Jan 26, 2012

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Event Description

I want to invite you to attend the Veterans for a Strong America 2012 Commander in Chief Forum with presidential candidate and former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich.  Speaker Gingrich will join us at the University of North Florida University Center, Grand Banquet Hall at 1:00 p.m. on January 26th, 2012.

Also, joining us will be former assistant secretary of defense Frank Gaffney.  Mr. Gaffney  is currently President of the Center for Security Policy and a leader on a number of initiatives regarding national security and the economy.

Veterans for a Strong America is a conservative oriented grassroots action organization committed to ensuring that America remains a strong nation by advancing liberty, safeguarding freedom and opposing tyranny.  

Veterans for a Strong America does not endorse any particular candidates, but does provide a forum for those that wish to address issues of importance regarding national security, military community economic sustainability and veterans issues.

The event is free and open to the public.   We hope to see you there.


Joel Arends

Joel A. Arends
Iraq Veterans
Veterans for a Strong America

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Comment by C.B. "Cork" Motsett on January 23, 2012 at 3:08pm

I truly wish I was able to attend but, unfortunately, I can't. This is a topic of great concern and one I personally find to be extremely important. I hope we are able to have a great turnout.

Wishing all who can/will attend a great time and a very informative event.

Comment by Joel A. Arends on January 23, 2012 at 9:23am

I want to thank the First Coast Tea Party for helping us with this event.  The team at Veterans for a Strong America is thankful and we look forward to seeing you there!  

If you have any questions, please feel free to email at the info above.


Joel Arends

Comment by Ken Stump on January 23, 2012 at 3:53am

Jack, I think for the most part we are in agreement.  On most everything except who can and who can not win in November.  There is one comment I would like you to expand on. 

"As for Ron Paul, as much as I disagree with his foreign policies I like him and his monetary policies well enough that I would vote for him if he were to get the nomination, but we all know that he has no chance of getting the nomination and I am a little relieved by that fact."

Having myself one time disagreed with his foreign policies, I'm wondering exactly what it is you are disagreeing with. I can't agree with the way we conduct war these days.  If we are going to war, I want to win. Quickly and decisively.  You do that by killing as many people as possible, including women and children. (Not targeting women and children, just not letting the enemy use them for shields)  Those that survive will put so much pressure on their leaders, possibly killing them themselves, that there is no will to fight left.  It worked very well in Japan.  And save countless lives of our own.  In addition, you flatten the land.  Destroy all building, airports, railroads and travel roads.  Destroy crops and cattle.  When people can not feed themselves, find warm dry places to sleep they become very depressed and it discourages dragging out the war.  We have not taken this approach since WW II, the last time we actually won a war.  Ron Paul questions the starting of war in the first place. Key word STARTING.  WW II was also the last time that war was declared.  Isn't there something in the Constitution about that?  Involving Congress?

I would like to hear your concerns about foreign policy.

Comment by Jack on January 22, 2012 at 10:19pm

p.s. Romney has tried to distace himself from the Tea Party and considers us "We the People" to be insignificant and takes us for granted. Add that to the fact that he is a self-proclamed moderate and I would almost rather vote for John McCain again. Out of the four remaining candidates Mitt Romney would be my last choice.........and again I don't like having my choices forced on me by the liberal press and the washington establishment so Obama is the only reason I would consider not writing in Herman Cains name if Romney gets the nomination. That is a bridge I will have to think about crossing when we get there. Until then I will cross my fingers and hope for anybody but Romney.

Comment by Jack on January 22, 2012 at 10:07pm

Ken, Herman Cain got over 6,300 votes but like Ron Paul he has no chance of getting the nomination either. I personally wish that Herman had stayed in, I think that he would have recovered and been right back up in the top tier. I personally think that if Romney gets the nomination that Obama will get reelected reguardless of anyone else running third party. I think that the whole OWS movement was created as a preemptive attack on Romney/Wallstreet once he becomes the nominee. The ground work has already been done.


As for Ron Paul, as much as I disagree with his foreign policies I like him and his monetary policies well enough that I would vote for him if he were to get the nomination, but we all know that he has no chance of getting the nomination and I am a little relieved by that fact.

Santorum is a very likable guy but I just don't think he has what it takes to get the job done. He doesn't have Newts gonads. I am personally not a social conservative. I think that a person has individual rights and that goverment should stay out of a persons private lives. To me abortion and gay marriage, among other social issues, are personal and private issues and shouldn't be the basis for deciding a presidential candidate. However, I would vote for him if he were to get the nomination, but again we all know that there is very little chance of that happening.


Romney on the other hand is a whole nother story. I do not trust him at all. He has been on every side of every issue, healthcare, gun control, abortion....etc, you pick any side of any issue and he has been on it at least once. He condemned Perry for giving free tuition to illegal aliens while at the same time his Romney care gives them free health care. Put all that together with the liberal media and the washington establishment trying to ram him down our throats and I get really defensive. the enemy of my enemy is my friend and the friend of my enemy is my enemy. I would not be happy voting for him if he were to get the nomination. I would consider writing in Herman Cains name simply out of protest.


Who does that leave us? It leaves us Newt, who is by far the best candidate anyways (once you take away his personal bagage, which shouldn't be an issue anyways). No body is perfect, not even Newt but he has the brains and the balls needed to put Obama on unemployment and foodstamps like Obama has put almost everyone else in this country. Add that to the fact that Newt is the strongest and most vocal supporter of the Tea Party left in this race and I think the choice is pretty clear. 

Comment by Ken Stump on January 22, 2012 at 9:19pm

Note to self: Romnie??  Sometimes my fingers get a disconnect while typing.

Comment by Ken Stump on January 22, 2012 at 9:15pm

Jack, I've really got to disagree with you that if Ron Paul ran 3rd party he would "pretty much guarantee Obama's reelection."  No question that is what the talking heads and the mass media want people to think.  Do you know anything about "the Markets"?  Stocks, commodities, options?  There is a particular type of trader in these markets.  They are called "contrarian" traders.  Basically, when everyone else is going long, they go short because the masses or sheeple in this case, are usually wrong.

Only hard core Demonic-crats will vote for Obama.  And nothing is going to change their vote.  If yet another RINO is nominated by the Republicrats, especially Ho Hum Romnie, a lot of Republicans will find an excuse to stay home, like with McCain.  At least until Palin came on the scene.   Look at the numbers Ron Paul already has.  Look at who supports him. 

I don't believe for a second that he can't win 3rd party.  But I don't think he would head a third party ticket anyway.  But just think about his numbers and supporters, then add Republicans to it because he became the Republican Nominee.  Then who can't win.  Obama, that who.

Comment by Jack on January 22, 2012 at 8:52pm

John, if that were true then Romney wouldn't be pissing his pants and spending millions of dollars attacking Gingrich and Santorum right now would he? That would really be a waste of money when according to you he already has the nomination sewn up. Not to mention that if Ron Paul were any kind of a threat he would be getting bombarded with ads against him right now too wouldn't he? Sorry but from a logical perspective your assumptions just don't hold any water....................

Other than the attacks on Paul about his news letters he really isn't being harrassed by Romney, the media or the washington establishment. He is nothing more than a nuisance to any of them right now. Why? Because everyone with any common sense knows that he has no chance in hell of getting the nomination and if he were to run as a third party candidate he would pretty much guarantee Obama's reelection. That is why they all want him to stay in the race as long as possible. Even Romney wants him to stay in, just to siphon off as many votes as he possibly can and help split the anti-Romney vote, to help him get the nomination (again according to you) that he is already suppose to have in the bag........................

Comment by Ken Stump on January 22, 2012 at 8:34pm

While I cheered Gingrich for filleting the jerk on Clinton News Network, such acting does not a president make.  If all you had to do was act like you were going to do something, we would have the greatest president this country ever knew, instead of the worst president this country's ever had.

I am a Vietnam Vet, and I've got the lungs to prove it.  This vet will be supporting Ron Paul, the last real conservative standing. 

I now consider myself a Republican Big Game Hunter.  I hunt RINO's.  Gingrich is one of the biggest RINO's still wrecking havoc on Republican Principles.  Anyone who buys into his dog and pony show, I've got a brand new Edsel behind the barn I'd like to sell you!  Only needs detailing.

Comment by John F. Mobilian on January 22, 2012 at 7:33pm

I will try very hard to schedule my day so that I can see the man who finally put the media into a place that they've been clammouring to get to for years now....the trash heap.  Newt is definately the one who can get things done.  He's already balanced a budget 4 years in a row.    He speaks his mind and says what every red blooded conservative is thinking but too politically correct to express verbally. 

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RYAN NICHOLS - Hardened Criminal?? Seriously??

If you're not already aware. This is what's going on in DC while dangerous criminals are allowed back out on the streets.  It's horrifying that this is happening to our citizens and veterans for protesting the hijacking of our election process. This is still happening! They are STILL being tortured and treated like full on terrorists. 

You may not be aware of the typical things they're forced to go through...…


Posted by Babs Jordan on August 14, 2022 at 8:44am

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